Good idea, bad execution. It appears to me that I_love_kaw is in charge of Ad Mortem? Or is he just the loud mouth cheer leader of the group? I can't believe Swabia allowed a moron like him into his clan. I used to farm i_love_kaw regularly with my alt lllll_blackhandsucks_llll (who is sadly no longer with us ) and that i_love kid would cry all over his wall. Now he thinks he's a farmer? Lol. Oh right, you guys are farming all the weak noobs... So you originally said that to stop being farmed the clan or target would have to pay 200 bill. Yet the clans you've targeted have no way to pay that ransom do they? So all one has to do is write a little forum thread stating they surrender and you move on? Lol. Bunch of little girls bumping chests, laying down clan tags and giggling like fools.
Me and ILK have been together in war .Actually in a couple (Summer Wars) all I can say is that's he has turned out to be a very good fighter/Farmer.And about Her clan..What's wrong for supporting her Clan? So With your complaining.You already made Yourself look bad.Might as well keep Going.
Ok, maybe it wasn't that sarcastic (it was meant to be) and you can't actually pick up sarcasm through text BUT... It was meant to be, and that's the important thing here
But they could split it into smaller allies like each members pays for a 10B ally. I'm just wondering if 200B per clan has been recieved.
All clans did pay. Swabia was quite happy yesterday for he was becoming rich lol Our current farm used to do ambush in 3 hours so plz before telling us we are picking on the little ones do some investiagion. Ad Mortem Hordes Of Evil