ad mortem declares war on KaW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Swabia2, Jul 31, 2012.

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    Ad Mortem
  2. Sweet! Happy farming 
  3. Bump from
  4. Thanks for all the support from all you war mongers! 

    Ad Mortem
  5. I can't think of anyway to help but to say good luck
  6. Applications for new members is now closed.

    Allies may join if they want some war experience. Just have your clan leader leave a hallpass on your wall to come visit.

    Don't pm me to join unless you're someone I've already fought with or against. We struck gold by revisiting this idea and I see no point in adding players we don't know that could be disruptive.

    A talented team of admins and psychotic directed farmers has landed in KaW and even though I don't think we possess 50 permanent members we have quite a presence already. I'm proud of the discipline the clan has already shown, and a list that shows 1 clan a day being broken or extorted of its cash is a testament to what a war game this once was, and how far the noobs have misdirected themselves from it.

    I have no skeletons in the closet with any of the original forums clans, and will still accept alliances if any of you are interested in joining up and sending new players over for intensive training. While I have pulled the chain on clans I didn't think made their glory anymore in war I now am prepared to give any of them a slice of that back on a temporary basis if they'd care to visit.

    Ad Mortem is here and we're going to shake down some noobs until war is back and here to stay.
  7. Respect to ad mortem!

    ʗṏאƈl∆℣e ʘƒ ṩHḁժðωṣ
  8. Ad Mortem to the top!
  9. ad mortem
  10. Something about false retirements and hypocrisy. other than that, noob bashing looks like easy fun
  11. Hmm tried swabbing some ointment on??
  12. Wow shamelessly hiding behind an alt. Think that's an all time low
  13. Whose alt is that?
  14. I was pretty low to begin with. :) I festered for a quite a long time after the strip...rather like a certain someones certain something ;). Anyway, got bored and decided to turn kaw around! Declaring war on rashes!!!
  15. You are past pathetic...
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