does. If stats mean nothing, Swabia would just be another player who thinks he can take over clans whenever he wants. Would you buy a 200b ally if a player with 10k stats threatened you?
I would question why a 10k stat player has a 200bil ally. Then I would come to the conclusion that he's a strip bank and has a much larger main account. So yes, yes I would.
No, he's been in so many Out of systems against old school warring clans, and won countless times. He's well known and feared.
Farming would result in...i mean who would not hit back during farming or atleast try to. After both sides lose money and/or gain some-if swabia wins he will threaten opposite clan telling them to buy 200b Allie. If Swabia beat them in osw that would mean less money to start out with trying to gain 200b. Why don't you just destroy them take there clan and leave
Our current targets don't hit back much at all. Well put fellas. Swabia is one badass dude and I'm glad he's the owner and leader of this clan ad mortem
Eventually clans will figure out that they better not fight back. I can imagine several victims and apology threads going up soon.
200b ally is the easy way out. To avoid hits altogether. And as for the "who wouldn't hit back, or at least try to" comment, Some people think that by not hitting back, we will get bored and leave them. Wrong.
What is the point about 200b Allie, who ever last bought him lost close to 200b so once he is bought he will gain... A couple extra. What if Allie doesn't sell anyway
Not that I'm just wondering that Allie was a waste of time mentioning, should have said if you do want to war all of KaW...say farming until clan falls apart, but again pure evil did that, what makes you so special
Because he added the twist of making money off it too. Remember volleying it inside the clans then forcing others to buy it is just free money. And soon this will be happening a lot.