Ad Mortem Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Gridpoint-Kaw, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. ^ :lol:

  2. I half expected that to be a statless alt.
  3. Damn it drgn. You cut me off
  4. Hahaha, sorry. If its any consolation my ^ has failed again.
  5. Lagrosa is one of our fans lol 
  6. I think somebody needs to petition the court for a restraining order against Lagrosa.

    I'm afraid we might have a stalker.
  7. Lagrosa. What's Haunting. Is that an eb? I could not find Haunting on the BL
  8. You know our clan only has like 30 members? And out the 30 only about 1/2-2/3 are active and some are guests. Considering the size of clans we pick on, they are pretty good matches. Maybe not by war experience :lol: but by size ;)
  9. I really need to get active again.
  10. Y'know baine, there's this thing called a search function for finding people not on the bl XD ;)

  11. Toasty he was trying to make a point and you just ruined his whole joke.
  12. Good job peeps

    ΔD MΘRTΞΜ
  13. There is a Haunting
  14. Surrender acceptedAd Mortem
  15. Point registered, accepted, and then denied XP
  16. All considering that the AM member sacklapper has decided to troll KotFE's historical recruitment thread... I have decided to farm mr. Sacklapper until I'm tired of it. Enjoy and have a great day!
  17. Well damn... He's not AM anymore.. Cheers guys!
  18. You do what ya gotta do. Cheers
  19. Ah Toast.
    Always yummy with butter n honey. =)