actions speak louder than words. Another Trump thread

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pheles, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. And btw. The fact that you think "I" am an extreme liberal just shows how far right of the rest of the country you are.

    I'd vote for someone huntsman over either of the candidates running now.

    I'm a left leaning moderate.

    If you had been paying attention, instead of just spouting partisan garbage, you would have picked up on that by now.

    Remember when I said "the far left are just as crazy as trump supporters"?

    It isn't my fault that the facts are different than your beliefs.

  2. Your the only one spouting garbage, thats all you do all day, spout nonsense on forums. I dont care what you classify as you have to be extreme left to still support obama. Thats the only supporters he has left.

    Obama will go down as a terrible president and only libtards like yourself still dispute that. His approval ratings are terrible for a reason with everyone besides african americans.

    His ratings have spiked since Trump started saying outrageous stuff but they were in low 40s
  3. Lol. Obama's approval rating is 54%. You have to be a complete and total moron to think that 54% of the country are "extreme liberals".

    Hate to break it to you, but if you add up all the conservatives AND liberals in this country, you wouldn't get 54%.

    Partisans like you can't understand this, but most of the country isn't on either of the extremes.

    The very fact that you think me correcting your mistakes is "supporting" anyone is just insanity.

    Facts are facts. The things you are saying aren't facts. They are alt-right talking points.
  4. And as far as me calling you extreme left no dif than you calling me extreme right. Id gladly vote for a third option if one had a chance. At this point its just keep hillary out for me
  5. As I said his rating has spiked since Trump.has entered the game but his approval rating has been as.low as 43%, wich is bad
  6. Actually just did a fact check. If you added the liberals and conservatives, you get 62%.

    So my bad.

    But even at 43%, you are saying that 43% of the country are "extreme left".

    And it just isn't true. Only like 23% of the country identify themselves as liberals. I'd say about a third of those are "extreme" liberals. (Total guess, not a fact)
  7. Ya ive made some broad statements but you have to keep in mind the country is becoming more divided towards far left and right than ever.

    Ive got to ask you directly, you think obama has done a good job? Its easy to argue when you stay on offense, lets put your neck out for a bit.

    Id like to hear views from other parts of the u.s. bc maybe its been different. But Obamas policies have crippled the area I live in.
  8. Far left? Now thats a laugher
  9. Eh. I could make a top ten biggest mistakes of his presidency.

    I didn't think pushing cap and trade right after the stimulus package was a good idea. He should have stayed focused on the economy.

    Health care bill could have been a lot better, but I put most of the blame on congressional distinction.

    I could go into more detail, but I'm at work, my battery is dying, and it is a bit busy.

    So I'll just say overall, I think he did ok 'under the circumstances'.

    The circumstances being: inheriting a recession along with 3 wars. (Afghanistan,Iraq, 'war on terror').

    Could have been better. But; as I have mentioned several times during this thread, I'm the sort that is more likely to blame congress.

    They are the more powerful branch of government, and they have been acting like children for as long as I can remember.

    People tend to think of the presidency as more powerful, but even though the president has more power than any individual member of congress, the full congress has way more power.
  10. Maybe im just too bias bc of where I live, all I see is a growing area that turned into to everyone layed off under his administartion and my health care costs tripled. I see racial tensions sky high. I see alot of anger and mistrust towards the gov.

    And globally all I see is enemies and allies alike do not trust us or respect us anymore. Our ties with close allies are pretty bad right now. The response to isis, in my opinion, has been a joke.
  11. Your frustrated and its understandable.

    IMO polarized party bickering is getting in the way of progress and getting down to governing.
    Globally speaking the world is ever changing and much is going on. America has too much on the go and is a bit overwhelmed. The fact that Trump is a topic says much. Hillary is merely a byproduct of the circus this upcoming election will be. Any other presidential race she would be a non-candidate IMO. Its the strangest election i've ever known. Political reform is sorely needed.

    I predict a Trump win for no other reason than he is the lesser evil.
    Neither will make a good President.
    Trump is unnerving.
    Hillary untrustworthy.
    2 uns do not make a positive lol
  12. It's not like i think the world is in great shape. It's just that I spread the blame around, and don't place it all at the feet of one man.
  13. Well said and straightforward
  14. Haha Op brought up Obama's skin color on the first page, as expected. Can't talk about the election without being up racism, probably because everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is mostly pure prejudice. Trump is the embodiment of what America, racist trash nothing but imbeciles here in America. This is why Americans love Trump, because most are like Trump. Every single day I lose hope for this country I live in. Nothing but a big sack of hatred its contagious. Honestly as an American what do we have to be proud of really???
  15. There is more good in America than bad.
    Problem is the bad outshines the good.
  16. My first year voting, and will not be voting. They say 2015 was a terrible year for America, so much talk about 2016 being a better year. I look around, and everything has gotten worse
  17. Lies
  18. Cannot see the trees for the forest.
    Need for more tolerance and harmony for all citizens has been lacking since forever.
  19. The best thing for us young folks is to get an education here, and then leave. America is only good for its education.
  20. That is an option and many do.