Re: Acta Diurna HERE IS THE BREAKDOWN FOR PRIMAL WAR 37: (winners will be posted later due to unforeseen technical difficulties) 4 Matches (8 clans total; 160 warriors) Total breakdown of BUILDS UTILIZED: TANKS: 53 MIDS: 37 PURE SPY: 26 SH: 44
Re: Acta Diurna so far common thread, most tanks, OR least mids win Gut the mids to win Nice info, Thanks
Re: Acta Diurna HERE IS THE BREAKDOWN FOR PRIMAL WAR 37: (completed) 4 Matches (8 clans total; 160 warriors) Total breakdown of BUILDS UTILIZED: TANKS: 53 MIDS: 37 PURE SPY: 26 SH: 44 WINNERS: Ghost DeathSquad DEATH lNCARNATE -DiViNe NoVa- A E O N W A R Build breakdown by clan: Ghost DeathSquad (1 tank/ 8 mids/ 7 ps/ 4 sh) B A T T L E S H I P (2 tanks/ 10 mids/ 2 ps/ 6 sh) DEATH lNCARNATE (15 tanks/ 1 mid/ 2 ps/ 2 sh) Empire Rising (10 tanks/ 1 mid/ 4 ps/ 5 sh) -DiViNe NoVa- (9 tanks, 1 mid, 3 ps, 7 sh) The Living Myth (6 tanks, 2 mids, 1 ps, 11 sh) * utilized slightly larger sh with evenly distributed 4 mill cs -iTs HAMMER tiMe- (5 tanks/ 9 mids/ 6 ps/ 0 sh) A E O N W A R (5tanks/ 5 mids/ 1 ps/ 9 sh) TOP PLUNDERER FROM EACH CLAN: VIGRASS existence007 IIBIAIDIIIMIAILIAINIDIRIOII lIlI_IlIl_TGIF_IlIl_lIlI Harb TY03 DivineLu Erec_Rex TOP ACTIONS FROM EACH CLAN: ___o-lIlPRETTYlIlWOMANlIl-o___ existence007 --TIFFANYLIP-- MakeWish TY03 lllLllOllRllDlll DivineLu WAU-lxllHEAVENS_HAMMERllxl-WAU TOP NUMBER OF KOs FROM EACH CLAN (ties go to the highest in plunder): llBllallBllyllCllallKllellSll (6) DonQuiHOT (5) --TIFFANYLIP-- (9) MakeWish (3) --lTlOlNl-lSlUl-- (5) ---Spyke--- (6) DivineLu (5) P-N-o-Y-KeLoT (3) (Much thanks to war correspondent Owain21 for his assistance during technical difficulties today.)
Re: Acta Diurna HERE IS THE BREAKDOWN FOR PRIMAL WAR 39: Matches 3 (6 clans total; 120 warriors) Total breakdown of BUILDS UTILIZED: TANKS: 45 MIDS: 31 PURE SPY: 24 SH: 20 WINNERS: DEATH lNCARNATE Division 1 (close win by 5,099,635) Pervigo Neco Build breakdown by clan: SILVER (10 tanks/ 6 mids/ 4 ps/ 0 sh) DEATH lNCARNATE (18 tanks/ 0 mids/ 2 ps/ 0 sh) Division 1 (4 tanks/ 9 mids/ 5 ps/ 2 sh) Ghost DeathSquad (2 tanks/ 6 mids/ 8 ps/ 4 sh) Pervigo Neco (5 tanks/ 10 mids/ 3 ps/ 2 sh) We Will RP U (6 tanks/ 0 mids/ 2 ps/ 12 sh) TOP PLUNDERER FROM EACH CLAN: Eggrolls Greengiaint fonzyii17 Joe PELZI VictortheVictor TOP ACTIONS FROM EACH CLAN: -DK- Tazminge sharkrekin Joe SportPaPa Takeca TOP NUMBER OF KOs FROM EACH CLAN (ties go to the highest in plunder): -DK- (5) Tazminge (3) sharkrekin (6) XxIlISashxXIlI (6) PELZI (3) VictortheVictor (5)
Re: Acta Diurna Some interesting stats: In the last 5 PRIMAL WARS: Tanks comprise 40% of the warriors warring. Mids comprise 22% of the warriors warring. Pure Spy comprise 18% of the warriors warring. SH comprise 20% of the warriors warring. The winning clans had rostered an average of 8.8 tanks, 4.5 mids, 3 ps, 3.7 sh. The losing clans had rostered an average of 6.6 tanks, 4.9 mids, 4.2 ps, 4.3 sh.