Achievement Hunting- KaW Style (Guide)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *CoS-Dilly (01), Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Defender should have Hitting urself with alt 
  2. That's basically getting people to attack you
  3. Good one Charles. That's correct for the Phoenix Shield.

    Good guide, you'll change it once the Achievement bonuses come out right?

    A lot of us Beta Tested the Summer Wars recently to get the Beta Tester badge.
    I'm sure there will be more Beta Tests coming soon. Especially when the new buildings come out. Yes please do email Devs for a place to test the T5 buildings.
  4. Yes I will be updating this when the Devs finally give achievement bonuses.
  5. There is no scout phase in the haunting...
  6. He doesn't say there is. Read again.
  7. Dilly I missed your awesome guide making powers!
  8. Nice. How to get on LB? Wallets out xD
  9. I give it 1 day for Red-Star or other top LB players to be T5 BC. I'm sure they all have 1000's of nobs and 1000's of crystals and 100's of trillions banked.
  10. Hmm perhaps under the scouts, you could add scout bomb friends? I do it fairy often
  11. The Connected Achievement CAN be done on Android, it just says the same thing, just connect to a Facebook account and done.
  12. So does anyone have Call of Arms?
  13. Me want a sticky
  14. You forgot the 1st annual All star war! I have the achievement if you need a reference
  15. old guide is old, owner inactive. please dont necro threads.
  16. Awesome guide! Now I want to go get every achievement
  17. Under the beta test section, there's a mistake if anyone didn't noticed it, it should be 'the game', not 'he game'.. :|