Aces N Eights: fighting for the right to have fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wordwaster, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    I have taken a vow of poverty to keep my soul cleansed for the glory of KaWd
  2. oh? not sure what you are referring to. refresh my memory?
  3. That smack in the face gif  love it lol
  4. My ego is not large. It's at max 320x320.
  5. Friends on both sides. Love to see a good fight. Now fight!
  6. ::chuckles:: I read yer post when iG's team hit your clan and was.. Cool this clan accepts farming (playing game like it is supposed to be played) and seems to support pvp so every time one of yer members shows up on my battle list I bounce around your clan and usually get INC within a minute.  Aces N Eights is a great clan to hit.  just 2 cents from your friendly neighborhood wererat 
  7. We enjoy you too Were <3 :lol:
  8. It's Hamlet milady or Hammy in many clans I bounce between 
  9. [​IMG]
    Nice to formally meet you Hamlet
  10. Were doesnt pay all that great lol
  11. Support to OS, not sure who the other guys are but fight fight fight. Slap slap slap
  12. Way to be. Get a forum ban on your alt.

    I have respect for people on both sides of this, but honestly....

    Going for the jugular like this shows desperation and lack of class.
  13. This right here is truly an act of ********! You have just shown you have zero class. Aces and 8's. If you have any respect or dignity in your clan you should drop all her accts. What a sad display.
  14. That is not an A8 member.
  15. ok. so i just got woken up from my nap for this. not happy about that. could a mod please remove hayley's last post?

    for the record, that is not an a8 alt.
  16. That was not a member or alt of A8. That account does not speak for us nor represent us. Funny as hell tho.
  17. I disapprove of that crap . This has gone to far n im not going to be apart of the childish actions going on here. I fight for an8 , but when they start approving of this. Its not worth my time.
  18. Owen, stop acting like this is the doing of A8, its not. Its pissing me off that you're acting like it is. That account us not affiliated with our clan and you know it.
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