Aces N Eights: fighting for the right to have fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wordwaster, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    That's the thing.......Os has no screenshots and has blocked all members of A8. :roll:
  2. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Lovely and meg were once best friends... But they had a fallout and now meg is using Os to destroy the clan. Pretty pathetic if you as me :roll: They should settle this in a 1v1 instead of involving others... But meg isn't one to fight her own battles :lol:
  3. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    So much easier for her to lie about inc and let people do the work for her...
  4. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    And why need Screenshots? She is Os Council and people trust her :ugeek: So she took advantage of them :?
  5. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    James Doesn't like Lovey, so when there was word she hit meg it was just a excuse to get to farm her.... IMHO the Council is corrupt! :eek:
  6. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    I was told that indeed Os DOES have SS, but doesnt feel the need to show them. Hm. This certainly is clearing things up.

    Now, lets discuss why main felt the need to get involved with a simple clan v clan? After all A8 are just "eb and forum fairies." It shouldnt take more than one clan to spank us.
    Now mind you, I say this without having proof, but by my understanding, as was simply told to me, Meg was offered a 1v1 with Deni, and she refused and inexplicably decided to make it a CvC.
    Then, when said CvC was accepted, and indeed initiated, we started taking hits from main.
    Why? We are but lowly eb/forum fairies. It shouldnt take two clans to rip our glittery wings off.

    CvC was broken. SS wasnt produced. Many reasons given. What else shall happen?
  7. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    This is my first and last forum post.

    Dear A8 and OP, this is a beautiful description of Osiris. Thank you.
  8. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Dear Os Main,
    You can scout me all you want, it doesnt effect my or Hayleys typing fingers.
  9. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    No support noob. Osiris is gonna kick your attention grabbing ass.
  10. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Will not talk about OS or An8

    But demon wtf? Who are you to talk? What stats you got to support that big mouth?

    Respect to anyone that loves pvp
  11. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Still waiting on proof.

    Dot. Dot. Dot.
  12. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Proof from both families would be nice :)

    It would clear things up a little but...... OS do what they want I'm guessing.
  13. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?


    To motley, glad someone is being an adult about all this and actually asking for proof

    As I think this is all like a lot of **** stirring, and a lot of gun tooting, no one listening to eachother and both side thinking they're bigger and better then the other

    Yet this is about as amusing and intelligent as a school slagging match.

    Just step back all of you and get over yourselves and get your head out of the clouds, you're being used to defend a immature and silly argument, either way. If Megan and Alyssa can't get alone, leave them to deal with it. Y'all are just trying to play the hero but your Nobility is leading you astray. Y'all ain't even got a clue who's to blame.
  14. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    What's with all this confusion? Both sides have already stated on this thread that this was over a joke that Megan didn't like.
  15. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    You can always tell the seasoned osw players from those that aren't. Those that aren't are always cocky for the first few days but I wonder how they'll be after 3, 6 or even 12 months?

    Sometimes people do silly things like make mocking forum threads which ultimately snatches away any possibility of a sensible resolution - I think this could be one such thing, nice one op 

    If you want to fight then fight but stop yapping about it.

    Oh and all this 'ss or it didn't happen' nonsense, ss prove nothing, if they're produced people claim they're fake, if they're not people claim they don't exist.

    You'll gain more respect by shutting up and getting on with it.

    Just saying 
  16. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Com, I fully agree with you. Im simply here to be a diplomat, and aid in any way I can. I will maintain my respect for both sides, and I truly do hope that Os walks away with from this with their reputation intact, because they are a very well known and respected clan. They, however, are making it difficult by not providing proof to any of their allegations. Which saddens me. Like I said several comments ago, I will be willing to walk them through, step by step, on how to post pictures to a thread. Its the least I can do to help maintain respect and diplomacy between both sides of this war.

    Joey, we dont have anything really to prove, thats the thing. *shrug* lol
  17. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    Support to Osiris! Aces N Eights have a few good members, such as Naomi. Overall they are a bunch of noobs (exceptions such as word and naomi exist). Example. I hit motley, she continues to be an eb noob. Only talks in forums. Then Squirellie begins talking crap in forums, so i hit him (with baby alt) and all he does is cries to which lovely alt hits me. Return far more than the hits i received and none have been further returned. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :twisted: DEVIL COUNCIL :twisted:
  18. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    @jb - fair points. But in my mind, this lost any possibility of a sensible resolution the moment the main clan got involved in Megan's little dust up. They could have just walked away. They didn't. We didn't ask for any cf terms. We would have been content to just let it fade away. We aren't in this for pride. We are in this because they wanted it. So now they get it. There is no difference to me between Ebs and players. It's all just tap tap tapping on a screen. I'm bored either way. If there is no resolution, my real life will continue on as normal.
  19. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

    lol you werent worth my time. Ive been in other worthy peoples newsfeeds. In fact, theres a thread on the matter :roll:

    And shame on you for bullying an account that was BARELY a week old. Seriously? Big tough guy picking on a tiny week only account. BBBBBIG talker keyboard warrior.
  20. Re: Aces N Eights: eb clan?

     motley, your posts are hilarious. He was old enough to talk crap is old enough to hit.

    At the time, no you were not in osw, not hitting more important players, but hitting Ebs. Like an eb noob.
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