Aces N Eights: fighting for the right to have fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wordwaster, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. I know, they all do when not in war, but as soon as one starts it seems to disappear
  2. Posting on forums is a pretty easy link during an OSW so if you made this thread for the sole intention of trash talking you're kind of an idiot.
  3. As a person that has fought with your opponent in the past, for 7 months of OSW in fact plus or minus.. Can't remember when I got involved.. Getting senile I suppose... But I'm rambling. So what we have here is not knowing your enemy. During the Zaft war only James or JB spoke for in forums so making this for banter was destined for failure to begin with. All it probably did was ensure that all of your members will end up potless and naked. Osiris will destroy your ability to enjoy the game because that's what wins OSW's. Now me personally find you "forum fairies" amusing. Heck it was a post that drew me to attacking your clan and I've enjoyed the INC and banter greatly. I hope you don't quit this game like your banner says, ya just gotta know what you are prodding with a stick. I'm sure someday I will get thoroughly spanked by some clan but that's ok it will amuse me. Keep fighting until you can't anymore and move on. Someday I might be big enough for you to be on my BL 
  4. lol why need a link from a forum when they can roll down our roster, and get us off their newsfeeds?
    Yes, this was made just for lulz. And the lulz it has given in spades.
  5. Hammie, love, you cheeky devil :D I do adore you <3
  7. Old lady is Old
  8. Motley, the only thing you need to fight for is the ability to convert out of PS 
    Your account is useless.
  9. ok. since everyone wants to be a fudy dudy. let's talk about this "respect" thing.

    what exactly am i supposed to respect?

    osiris family started a war over a joke. they started this off with an ugly tone by making personal insults against lovely and i on their walls and in pal. why should i show respect when none was shown to us?

    then when it became clear that they couldn't handle us on their own; despite the fact that they initiated the conflict and the two clans were relatively the same size, they called in a second clan to help. a larger clan, with larger members. why should i respect that? does that show respect from them? why should i respect people that are so prideful that they can't just accept that they were losing a fair fight? on a free app.

    no respect for osiris. none. they just are not worthy of it.

    now before this goes any further, i want to give you folks one more chance to walk away. because if you don't, i am going to have to start talking to people. i will bring in a second clan, because yall brought in a second clan. then you will bring in a third clan, because you folks have already proven that that is the type of people you are. then i will have to bring in a third clan. and then a fourth. and then a fifth. so instead of that: let's just ends this here. what do you say?

    you can even say osiris main won. because hell, we can't stand up against an clan whose cr 20 is as big as our cr 3. this is not even close to being a fair fight. and i really don't want to call in favors to make it one.
  10. Well all I know is Osiris is gonna have their hands full with gator.

    Only true warrior in there
  11. :shock:

    Things have really been happening since ive been busy with rl
  12. Oh now Naomi's in there nice
  13. i'm going to go ahead and take offense at that.
  14. know this all could've been avoided by that shiny red button with the minus on it? Or that shiny one that says "block" :roll:
  15. I doubt it purr. Right now its come down to a willy measuring contest. Whoever proves theirs is the biggest wins. Nothing more than an exercise in ego and vain pride.
  16. So it's a fight over whose the most arrogant? Then by all means. Lets so who the winner is! And let them brag about how they kicked their opponent's asses.
  17. has a point. don't know why a friend would go to war over that. if a friend of mine got under my skin, i would just stop talking to them. i wouldn't go out of my way to hurt them. especially over something so small.
  18. Aye, so if theres to be pride and arse whooping anyway, why not at least be humorous about it? :lol:
  19. No matter what one does in this world, theres always going to be "haters"

  20. Gotta love Word gallantly defending his girl 

    Threatening to 'pull in favours' is a silly thing to say on forums though, just give over and either fight or find a resolution 
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