If anyone has any inside info on why puns needs an apology and feels disrespected by me, I could really use some clarification, because I have no ******* idea....
It's sad to see best friends fight... It reminded me of a old spongebob episode Sometimes Friends go at it BUT Deep down i imagine you both care about eachother You both need to make-up and go back to being friends, because you too were once like too pees in a pod. It's not about who wins or loses, but about moving past it I wish you both the very best, and i hope you two can figure out how to forgive eachother, because you can never have too many friends in this damned world.
Does it anywhere say Puns? If it does, Id like yout to quote it for me. Nope, It doesnt. I was telling my own clannie where to go and how to get there, as you can see plainly from the previous comment of me having a problem with what he said. So I think its my turn to get an apology, I dont enjoy my baby alt waking up to veiled threats by someone who has NOTHING to do with The kerfluffle I was having with a clannie.
its very on topic . its showing that things aint always what lies you been told .as shown here history repeated its self 3 times by megan .shes a constant liar . who then tells her clan lies to abuse that power of being clan owner .as i sayd to jb least lala would hit with her clan and make first attacks/scouts unlike megan whose only input is to lie to her clan and instruct them to fight her battles for her .
ha jb everybody knows my history i dont portray to be anything im not .but i never tell people to hit others for me i do it myself so no comparrison to megan the chicken and liar
You're the one wanting to know why Puns said those things, it looked like you were talking to him. Im sure anybody else would've responded the same way, nobody is going to apologize to you so take your ps back to clan chat I am going back as well.
We'll I must say saw this coming way to throw the folks u supposed to be helping in front of ur bullets -cbm-
I made this thread so that the people involved could trash talk and get to know each other. Not my fault that no one in this game seems to have a sense of humor.