Aces N Eights: fighting for the right to have fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wordwaster, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Hmmmmm deleted lovelys post.
  2. Fight! Fight! Fight! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
  3. I've never been a fan of wordwaster. Introduced himself as a noob to forums and that has stuck. First impressions, ya know?
    I wish both sides best of luck. Nobody needs a reason for a fight on a war game.
    I have friends on either side so I have no preference who wins 
  4. Wow how big of Puns to jump in on a clan with already two on them.

    You're the one who called them names mate, they've said it wasn't an An8 account...
  5. Anarchy you continue to speak and have no clue. The post isn't even on here anymore and I called no one names. You seem to have a big mouth on you.
  6. On top of it all , the person who said it was originally in the clan at the time, how convenient . All I see is disrespect on here. You want to talk about people I know on here rudely . Yeah I'm gonna say something. You gonna post convos with their real pics. Yeah I'm gonna say something.
  7. A right to have fun? I see no duty that exists which says I have to let you have fun, thereby no right can exist either.

    Duties and rights go hand in hand.
  8. Why was Deni's post deleted? It was honest and from the heart and maybe Word could learn a thing or two from her.
  9. If I had to guess- because her main is forum banned.
  10. os-megan did exactly the same thing to me twice . she goes back talks lies and pretends to be the victim gives the sob story and is too chicken to hit you one v one she got osiris family and osiris onto me clan farm twice . last one xmas time. she never hits back at all yet despite being double your stats with alts .she is dtw in battle non stop and its only smaller accounts hitting you in os-family because
  11. os-megan did exactly the same thing to me twice . she goes back talks lies and pretends to be the victim gives the sob story and is too chicken to hit you one v one she got osiris family and osiris onto me clan farm twice . last one xmas time. she never hits back at all yet despite being double your stats with alts .she is dtw in battle non stop and its only smaller accounts hitting you in os-family because they are gullerble and naive and dont realize that megan is a 24/7 liar and coward and is useing them . and is a rubbish owner .clan owners hit with u the first hits not hide behind you cowering . i already told j.b this long ago .shes truelly pathethic. and as much as i dont like deni i know shes right about all thats been quoted in this thread and its true about megan 100% ive witnessed it too
  12. sorry it came out twice
  13. A8 Doesn't support anything Roni is stating. (Not in anyway affiliated with A8 or this war, Just relaying a message) ~Don't shoot the messenger~
  14. exactly aj im giving a background history of megans real character and things aint always as she tells to others . she came into crackdown before xmas on her alt .i sayd thats os-megans on her alt she denyied it of corze but i knew it was her .and she left and put that alts banner to i might not be os megans alt but your a crazy b....h .a hour later i got incoming from about six in osiris family and none from megan .but that proved it was her and after that i was hit by os family members and thier guests .megan had obviously told lies n sob story .yet too chicken to hit me herself .so i ended up fighting them all for a week but none from megan .
  15. For those of you contesting that Megan is a bad person....

    This one time my buddy Tyrone had an unlaced shoelace, and could have tripped and died. Megan told him "Tyrone shoes" and saved his life.

    She's all right in my eyes.
  16. Omg it's here
  17. willy everybody has a fake persona but those who actually know her can tell a different story of her . she proved she lies to others and abuses being clan owner for the gain of her self useing them as tools to do stuff shes too scared to do.i like deni was once her friend i defended her lots but she is a sell out and in the end she gets jelous of you so talks lies to others about u .i bet thats the same as denis case.
  18. Go home roni, no one cares about your personal nonsense. It's not even on topic, you've just used the Aces thread to promote your own agenda.

    If I were you I'd avoid that whole 'what people are really like' stuff, you of all people shouldn't shake that tree 
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