Aces N Eights: fighting for the right to have fun

Discussion in 'Wars' started by wordwaster, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Good try to cover your tracks . I call ********
  2. Call it if you like that is not an A8 member and we will not support such behavior. 
  3. All I've seen in this thread is this kind of behavior. Who you trying to kid?
  4. **** off. Seriously **** off.
  5. You can even smell the bull **** coming from this thread
  6. calm down, rae.
  7. Control your members, our fingers are twitchy
  8. Exactly my point. You'll be seeing me in your news soon enuff . I expect apology on my wall. I don't get it. I will unleash Devils on your asses!
  9. odds are that osiris knows who actually made the post. the peanut gallery doesn't really matter.
  10. Time your clan learned some respect. See you soon 
  11. Oh forums, how I've missed you...
  12. oh. so that is how it is going to be? should have known. just an excuse to bring in more help. :roll:

    not even going to bother finding out who it was that really made that post.

    folks like you take all the fun out of this game. no one can ever have a fair fight. folks complain about the lack of pvp in this game. this is why.
  13. The reason why is blatant disrepect to our owner, devils dont like that. Either way, we could assist our allies if they wanted us to.
  14. No , Os can handle their own. But motleyrae not gonna disrespect me and get away with it. You obviously have no control in your clan or dignity. I want an apology or we will be in your NEWSFEEDS . This is opportunity to deal with it.
  15. All this reminds me..

  16. Lil or who ever you are. No i dont have a clue who that idiot was. Talk about keep it in cc but where your mourh at .out here on forums .
  17. respect. on a tap tap game. i really hate this game. i hate what people like you made of it. all so serious. all so worried about image and "respect". i just can't understand it. why can't you people just let people have fun? we don't want your rigid rules of illusory honor and pretend glory. we just want to play. the game. this isn't the real world for us. i'm sorry that it is for you. she can apologize if she wants. not sure she will. she is in a mood.
  18. i'm going back to sleep. good night, folks.
  19. Puns, apologies for any disrespect, , An8 members please continue, have fun but be respectful to all, n keep up the good fight
  20. Hmmmm let's see only one has apologized to puns! The one that should be begging forgiveness is motley and yet he or she is in denial of said actions it's now past midnight you have very few options left and time is your enemy! So please make me happy and say nothing at all 
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