Account resets no longer supported by ATA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MR_Un1v3r5E_ThE_MaCHiNE, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Reset bombs should return. It gets devs more money when they rebuild. The problem with them is it holds back progress in hire value, but osw it is a good war tactic
  2. How about instead of "fixing" things that don't need to be fixed like disabling the reset button you guys fix the numerous glitches your game has?
  3. 48hrs too late.
    A friend hired a 4.5T underpriced ally which had no owner but EB active. It reset same day.
  4. I have one question. Bro u think hes mad bro? Cause bro i think hes mad bro
  5. Prob certain players and clans wer crying about reset bombs or ppl crying about ppl randomly reseting. Tbh idc about it. Now ppl cant use the banner " hire and i reset" now everyone is fair game to be hired. Sucks cant resets account to restart cause ur bored or wanted to start over. And the fact they didnt tell ppl about it idk. But i find it funny. 
  6. Reset is part of game

  7. All mine says is continue and if I continue I'll reset
  8. Devs have addressed the resets in a locked thread. You should check there.
  9. Well in that thread they say reset bombs are a negative and bad aspect of the game. Once again they show they dont support osw
  10. Well, if they weren't bias when handling Inferno's case, they wouldn't have lost an avenue to remove gold from the game.
  11. Yup. That's what I concluded as well. I once committed KAW suicide in an attempt to stop playing (look how well that turned out lol), now that drastic measure is no longer available making it harder for serious players to quit playing.

    At least I got the resurrection badge from when I was a little noob back in the day... fall of '12?
  12. Click yes again