Account resets no longer supported by ATA

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MR_Un1V3r5E_ThE_MaCHiNE, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. Forcing osw out of the game completely. Between this, hte now being a required evil to compete, and putting such heavy weight onto ee and events.... Its now basically a pve or happy slap fest game instead of a war game
  2. Is it just me that feels when AtA changes major parts of the game, they should inform the public of such changes?
    Or is this game an ever de-evolving world that needs to be constantly tested and retested for mathematical crevices?
    I recently retested an old mechanic relating to troop level and using items in eb during item phases.
    It used to pay more per pot depending on your troop level.
    I fear that once moneybags realized this they privately complained that their second phase pots on HTE were not as efficient as their wallets would like.
    Now Scrooge McDuck can use 100%of their max 6 xtals with their Seal.
    I have no problem with changes, the game is full of it.
    But is there no responsibility to share these changes?
    Or am I pissing up a rope?
  3. Seriously?

    I'm never one to complain about KaW, but SERIOUSLY?!!

    Of all the things you could do...

    You choose to make the game WORSE.


    Now we get to have hundreds more useless inactives.

  4. Ok we can just say it kaw has been flushed down the tubes. ATA needs to use the moto if it isn't broke don't fix it.
  5. Exactly.
  6. Wow... I don't know what to say, just... Wow.
  7. I'm confused as to how this actually helps anything. I don't think this is what we had in mind when we asked ATA for better player retention incentives.
  8. instead of fixing countless other problems from Pvp( more items, item similar to sod or horn but for pvp use only, better mechanics etc.) and system wars and ebs and everything else.. you make it worse and kill the enjoyment of osw and kill a tactic intentionally? With noe explanation what so ever.. this game will die like gaw and fc soon enough with the direction its headed in.. why domt you get your thumbs out your asses and stop giving us these hunts amd taking the monies you get on here to use for pimd and actually do some **** we asked of instead of favoring Pedophiles in my dorm
  9. <sigh>

    โˆšata is determined to kill this game.

    Hard time believe but next I can see them banning excessive farmers
  10. Another blow to the osw n pvp parts of kaw. Its always been said but really shouldnt b kingdoms at WAR anymore.
  11. I suppose that its good you ran from war then, that way you don't have to miss out on not being able to do this anymore, eh? ;)

    To stay on topic, yeah I don't understand where they come up with this stuff.
  12. People complain about how it kills the game when it was simply a basic loophole in the system. At this point when you are stripped they lose money as it is as that ally sits there pointlessly now unless drop and get a terrible profit back. In my opinion this is a step forward but at the same time making people look at the game with an even more negative thought. If you think about it this should have been fixed awhile ago, be happy it wasn't.
  13. Well, this is about the 356th ill conceived change by ATA.

    They couldn't even think one move ahead to avoid the plunder war loophole lol.

    Devs = Morons
  14. Look at y'all screaming doomsday :lol:

    Quite sure there's a solid reason behind why they did it. Not, they want to "Kill the game or kill OSW" :roll:

    As most of you know, you can't change your ATA linked ID anymore, recently I ran into an issue where I needed a new one and couldn't access the old one.
    A little talk with Mario from support and he actually understood and helped me do so. (Even after Ruby said I'd harm the integrity of their database)
    So, the game is doing pretty well. The devs don't have to justify their actions to you for them to make sense.
  15. This is a player posting, I would like to see KAW post this to confirm and mods should request them to comment on a dev thread please