If you are not HLBC, use feather. On a side note, if you're skimming sword is better; and on a side note if you're hansel use sword for spy unload and feather for attack to maximise help.
To clear this up, I am attacking from full troops to zero troops. I equip sword, unload, on second to last attack I lose, my troop loss is 1,481. I do the same with the feather. Full troops, unload, my second to last attack I lose, my troop loss is 1,683. So this tells me that with about 5% of my max troops the sword is still better than the feather. Same conditions for each weapon, same attack number in a sequence of 26 attacks. The sword should be weaker seeing as how everyone says it depends on number of troops. But I lose less troops on a failed attack with the sword than on a failed attack with the feather. For that matter last 4-5 hits with the sword troop loss is lower than the feather on successful attacks also. So can anyone out there tell me why this is when EVERYONE says the feather is better for an unload and the sword is better for skimming. My results show that the sword is plainly just better. I am basing this on troop loss on failed and successful attacks during a full unload, judging attacks 5-0. So any intelligent responses?
Your results are wrong. DIg this... Go do a haunting and equip your abyssal blade. Do one unload of attacks only. Do the same thing the next haunting but with the feather sword. Difference will be minimal but you will see it. Instead of just post a wall of words that show no support for what you say about everyone being wrong, try posting ss and supporting evidence other than what you've attempted. On second thought, you're probably right, and everyone else on kaw is wrong.
Lol, never said everyone else was wrong. I am trying to figure out why my troop loss is higher with the feather when it shouldn't be that way. Hence why I asked for input to see if anyone else had gotten same results.
Yo would have to run more than one test to varify your results. Do the same test 20 times then share your data. Higher attack equals better chance of succesful hits.
I'm saying your math is off somewhere and you've likely misread something. I just spent 12 xstals testing this on two accounts, 3 unloads with the blade, 3 with the sword per account. I lost the same amount of troops every single hit. Didn't matter if I failed, won, or had one or the other equipiments active. So unless you have some special algorithm assigned to only your account, I can't see why you would lose any differently. Now to dissect your questions a bit more about which is better, lets look at your build. your stats: 3,119,288 atk and atk def 1,014,400 spy and spy def your strength from your stats: 156,964,400 to each atk and atk def 50,720,000 to each spy and spy def With the blade equipped and at full troops you are looking at a bonus of: 15,696,440 to atk 5,072,000 to spy atk at this point you are 5.6mil stronger with the blade in attack but 1mil spy atk weaker than the sword at max enchantment level. At half troops your strength would be: 78,482,200 to atk and def 25,360,000 to spy atk and spy def The bonus you would receive from that strength with the blade: 7,848,200 to atk 2,536,000 to spy atk at this point the blade is now 2.2mil atk and 3.5mil spy atk weaker than it would be with the a max enchanted sword. There's some pretty basic math to help you understand. I can't lay it out anymore clearer than that. As for you changes in troop lose between the equipment, my testing of it showed no difference in loses either way. So if you can provide more details maybe we can figure something out.
@don. Did you unequip your other equipment when you did your test? If not, it will through off the point of the test because the strength gained from them could keep you at minimum troop loss regardless which sword was equipped or even no sword
I use the feather to unload as an Hlbc. i also use shoes not boots because boots also have a percentage