Abyss Towers decreased my plunder

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Skeletora_Mama_of_Lord_Outlaw, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. What about when my plunder decreases my towers....? No ones even talking about that scenario
  2. Lol what is this
  3. I'm pretty sure ALL towers on ALL lands decrease plunder. However, Osmon Rai towers decrease plunder less than Abyss towers. And Abyss towers decreases plunder much less than Hoarfrost towers. Hoarfrost towers less than Highlands and so on.

    It's just a matter of how much plunder you lose for the stats you gain. And how much plunder you gain from other buildings on that land. Building 1 spy building on Abyss increases my plunder and if i build 2 Spy Defense Towers my plunder will drop a bit but not by a noticeable amount. If i were to build a Shadow of Stronghold on my Lowlands then build 2 Lookout Fortresses my plunder would decrease quite a bit assuming i have no other buildings on other lands.

    Towers decrease plunder but by an almost unnoticeable amount on Osmon Rai and Abyss compared to Hoarfrost, Highlands, and Lowlands.

    All stables.
  4. Abyss towers does reduce plunder.But much less than HF or hl.
  5. Why build towers, then complain about lost gold income. Oxymoron there. DON'T BUILD TOWERS. Plain and simple. Be an eb fairy and go for plunder, or build towers and suck it up and make less. You build towers for war, not ebs you stupid fools. Get over it.
  6. Abyss and Osmon Rai Towers drop plunder at a much lower percentage per upgrade than other lands. However, percentages build up, so just say each one is 2% once you've reached max level. That's 50% total in both lands, so 100% if both have 25 towers.

    Now those percentages aren't the actual percentages and just used as an example, but you see in math percentages add up(I know it was a shocker).
  7. Its always been very minor until last plunder update they increased the drop rates on towers and dropped the other builds plunder as well noticed this alot last plunder update cause my plunder dropped like 15-20m
  8. That other thread should have never been locked. Idk why mods think that burying threads that discuss game mechanics makes sense.
  10. There's no point playing this game anymore unless you have 150 million plus stats lol

  11. Staying smaller and doing indies is a blast, for not much gold and a little practice you can become an unpinnable tank lol
  12. Stop bitching because someone disagrees. There's a reason I didn't shape that as a question.
    The first two, at least, towers on the abyss drop plunder.
  13. Well... casual players play this game too you know :/
  14. Did you tear down an existing building to put up SDT? If so, that may be the result of you losing your plunder. I feel like all towers should decrease plunder, but if they don't then that's cool.