abssyal blade

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IE__DragonBorn__IE, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. Mine dropped at my first fod ever ;)
  2. I hate you.

    I did it for seven months straight, finally got it after hitting twice and passing out
  3. Uhh. is this about the abyssal blade still or your first relationship...
  4. It's based on experience with those builds. You can use the events as an example as well, with the same activity spy builds get the highest drops while attack builds get the lowest.
  5. If this is remotely true, then it explains my insane run off luck getting equipment. Bow in 1 try, abyss in 3, and most of the rest in under 10 tries.
  6. If it's solely based on experience then one player's experience can't be the same as anothers, right?

    Until KaW releases official data relating to builds and eq drops, I think we should keep the speculation down to a minimum.

    Because the information you just presented would make every EQ Hunter that isn't a hansel and viewed your post, change their build immediately.
  7. I've been Hunting the bow for weeks :/
  8. The keyword there is somewhat. This isn't new information. It's common knowledge that spy builds typically have a better chance at getting drops over an attack build.
  9. Abyssal Blade, lol. Fond memories.
  10. Got it on my third fod with this account

  11. Build more spy >.>

  12. Wish I was a Robot

  13. OMG! Did he really just say that? What an incredible noob. Proof Uchida knows nothing about KAW
  14. Can this noob get any stupider? Static sucks compared to percentage.
  15. Sword isn't good until you have massive stats so i suggest to you op to not worry about getting it.
  16. If you have big stats yeh you are right if not then sasuke is right.

  17. Yeah this blade sucks. It's only giving me 187 mil first hit. Even at half troops it's better than any other piece of equip in the game.
  18. @grizzly

    Only an idiot would be satisfied playing this game for 5 years with noob stats.

    As for your brilliant statement about "not worrying about it", when is he supposed to worry about it? When he's 200 m cs? That is too late. Get it now when it still makes sense to hit weaker ebs. You won't be doing fod when you get bigger.
  19. Wow Frog is brilliant, I wanna be just like him when I'm older. A real - winner.

    By winner I mean ASW winner, those super relevant wars where you either get put in a good team and get carried - or you don't.

  20. Ofc abyssal is unbeatable with high stats. Specially when you can skim with full troops/spies.
    When you are low stats there is better stuff - and again - specially when you have to Hit out of pin  then its crap.

    @op. Keep on trying. Try to get Many actions in each Phase helps a bit i guess. You need patience for this game ️