Absolute BEST build for money (discussion)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xX-_FIGHTER_-Xx, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. My build with my exact stats, my exact equipment and no allies.
  2. I make all teh moniez
  3. Solder, as you get 12 more assassination per bar, that build is not the best, if you can skim all day, a hybrid would be better.
  4. Rio,
    I know the build I described isn't great for making money. But it is technically the highest plunder build possible, as it gives the most raw stats.
  5. Half right, most raw stats is all balanced attack.That build is better for plunder however.
  6. I make alot of money as attack build
  7. I make lots of money
  8. Double gold ebs all day just on that I've been making 50-80b a day depending on my activity.
  9. personally I would say its GH or T6 Hansel, im gonna make a hybrid and compare. whats the BEST way to make a hybrid? like use Def based buildings? if you give an example like saying
    24 CoE xx Volarys or what ever. I don't really care about the HF lands atm for it lol basically I only care for the best HLBC hybrid.