Aww Fox, you and your friends have committed so many Kaw transgressions by farming so many accounts from the game, so when you use the term 'prick' I take it you trying to compliment? Because being pricks is an honorable thing in your circles. Anyway I don't need your compliment and going back to lurk..btw grow a little more and add some cs for me
Hate in a tap tap game is stupidity, it should all be about the laughs. People forget that. Talking about people with no humour, Harbinger, you sound awful butthurt about PE for some reason. It's not like a couple of them stripped one of ZAFT's leaders for shits and giggles. Oh they did, my bad
I don't hate zaft nor do I really care about them "losing a war" but I want to see a osw where it's zaft/yafi/wdgaf against everyone else
Where's my friend Harbinger? Oh that's right he won't show up in a forum post after getting owned. Instead he's in PM to Twicc popping a pooper valve, using profanity that would make a marine blush,and threatening destruction of a clan who weren't involved in any strip....yet hardly hitting the people that stripped his boyfriend. Harbinger you do know that having a big KaW account, and the ability to swipe a credit card in no way makes up for a lack of penile length. Oh and 1SexyLady, who are we kidding Now that's why people hate ZAFT If I'd known 800B and a few crystals would provoke this much butthurt and lulz, I would have stripped Zeus sooner
You have yet to hit me back. Big bark and nothing to back it up with. I've been farming you for days chump. Just in case you didn't notice
tbh bro, ZAFT doesn't care about the haters. They do what they need to do and we do what we need to do