
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Go and do your things then
  2. Because intelligent ppl came to the conclusion that abortion wouldnt end the world like some poptarts think.
    That and its a basic human right to have a choice, like you do.

    Should we be against anti biotics considering they're "killing a living growing organism inside you"
    Next time you get a cold, think twice before killing it. It may develope into some unknown cure or entity huh... -_-
  3. So if my spe.rm cant have the chance to meet an egg due to a condom, should i loss my chance to live?
  4. If abortion is murder, then so is foreplay and playing with yourself. and B.J's are canabalisim.

    If you are against abortions, than your against any sexual encounter unless its for the purpose of making kids.
    You dont get to pick and choose where the line is drawn. You wanna argue that its wrong and killing life, then even a 'wet dream' is technically murder, as that semen could have been a life...yet the guy has no control over that, but lets persecute him for it anyway (thats what Grizzly and TNT's arguments sound like to me)
  5. Your answer literally answers no part of my question. When a stranger kills your fetus, the fetus is given the rights of a human, and the stranger is charged with homicide.

    When a women decides to kill a fetus though, the fetus is just a "thing in her body", and nothing happens.

    Double standards? A fetus is only considered a human when someone else kills it?
  6. That person is charged for having murderous intent.
    Legal abortions are a completely separate issue and result when a woman decides to have one.
    I don't know many women who want to be stabbed :|
    That was a bad comparison.
  7. A fetus is called a fetus in the first 8 weeks. After that its classed as a baby.
    Before then its not murder or killing anything different in your body with meds.
    Stop trying to make a fetus out to be this living, breathing, concious being. Cos it aint.

    Hence why we have these procedures available.
    Your peers decided its not murder, and the woman has a right to her own body.

    Do you listen to Mormans and Jewish? As they believe playing with yourself is a sin and is killing possible life?
    Or do you just not believe that they are correct and feel there opinion is unjustified?
  8. The mother should be charged with that as well then.
  9. :| What if the fetus is endangering the mothers life? Do you suggest imprisoning it after the birth?
  10. Retraction to a previous comment.
    All religious ppl are not insane, i generalised religious ppl in an effort to antagonise an individual.
    There are plenty of religious ppl that dont support anti abortion groups or their opinions.

    My apologies if i offended anybody else other than the intended recipient.
  11. Was waiting for someone to bring that up :D

    My aggression on this topic stems from personal experience.
    If someone close to me was forced to go thru with a certain pregnancy, theres a very high chance she wouldnt be here now.
    I chose to support the life of an existing concious and self aware human than a fetus.
  12. @Malice- lolwut?!?! Do you read what you type?

    You state that the first 8 weeks is considered a fetus, and after that it's a baby? By whose standards? It's considered a fetus AFTER the first eight weeks by most standards. And when it's considered a baby is what's really the big debate.

    For real, did you just make that up, or are you that dumb?
  13. It wouldn't be old enough to be charged there's a certain age for criminal responsibility I think its called.
  14. That's true tnt.
    And it's considered a baby when it's viable, which means it can exist outside of the womb. Before that, its not sentient and can't exist without being literally attached to its host.
  15. Murdering a child in 3rd trimester somehow is different than murder in the 1st trimester, according to logic on this thread

    Might as well take the secularist/evolutionist/atheist approach and legalize all child murder, right? We're only thinking apes, correct? Man has no true value or worth, Man is just the same as a dog.

    Secularists say morality is only relative.. And subject to however the person feels.. Don't want responsibility? Abortion. Don't want expense of raising a human being? Abortion. Don't value unborn life? Abortion.

    They victimize soon to be mothers as hosts to a parasite.. "What's inside isn't alive.. But one day it can kill you.."

    42 million children are aborted globally each year. 115,000 per day

    1.4 million in the US alone, 3,000 per day

    1/3rd of American women have an abortion at some point in their lives

    Though the unborn is visibly hidden from man, he/she is never hidden from God - Job 10:8-13

    All of God's works are wonderful, even in the case of disability - John 9:1-3

    Even in cases of **** - Deuteronomy 24:16

    And in ******, for the lineage of Christ is proof of God's work - Matthew 1:1-3

    He fashions the unborn - Job 31:15
    He values them - Exodus 21:22-25
    He knows them - Jeremiah 1:5
    He relates to them - Psalm 22:9-10
    He calls to them - Galatians 1:15
    He names them - Isaiah 49:1
    He anoints them - Luke 1:15; Luke 1:44

    When you choose to murder the unborn, you murder the creation of God's holy work. He is a just God, and He will seek justice for the unborn.
  16. Bring what up? It was a little joke from my rs pipebomb I responded and cleared up the mess.

    That's got nothing to do with you like you and every other idiot has been saying on this thread keep your nose out of people business I expect she made the right decision by herself to keep living nothing wrong with that I've had a experience kinda the opposite to that.
  17. Not as dumb as you obviously :D
    I just refered tis to a medic mate. Its classed as an "embryo" at first. after 8 weeks its classed as a fetus. My bad.

    Regardles. My point stands. Before 8 weeks, the medical profession doesnt class it as an actual human life. After 8 weeks its developed enough to be distinguishable as a "human"
    After that a doctor can not operate to abort.

    Heres another point for you, jist to lighten the mood.
    One of the first things you develope is your butt hole. So does that mean we all start off as assholes? 
    Technically you have female chromosomes before you develope male ones.
    So does that mean males are all chicks with a sausage? :D
  18. Yet again, someone is bringing an imaginary friend into this. Why don't we just stick to facts?
  20. [/quote]
    :| What if the fetus is endangering the mothers life? Do you suggest imprisoning it after the birth?[/quote]

    Was waiting for someone to bring that up :D

    My aggression on this topic stems from personal experience.
    If someone close to me was forced to go thru with a certain pregnancy, theres a very high chance she wouldnt be here now.
    I chose to support the life of an existing concious and self aware human than a fetus.[/quote]

    Bring what up? It was a little joke from my rs pipebomb I responded and cleared up the mess.

    That's got nothing to do with you like you and every other idiot has been saying on this thread keep your nose out of people business I expect she made the right decision by herself to keep living nothing wrong with that I've had a experience kinda the opposite to that.[/quote]

    Thats funny. The way i read your posts, you dont care what situation the woman is in. If she gets knocked up, she should be responsible enough to deal with it, if she doesnt, shes just "white trash"....thats the view you posted.
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