
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Wouldnt telling a woman they cant get an abortion cos "you dont like it" competely and utt......seriously...im blow away by the idiocy...forget it. You cant do this via txt and im not gonna bother.
    Its like talking to brick walls, just soooo much more annoying :D
  2. That really doesn't matter either tbh they can't have abortion anyway do it for fun I guess I'm sure a dolphin will look after their babies.
  3. You call him honey again and I will kill you're infants if you ever have any. He is my honey, not for you.
  4. Tnt, you're wrong. Tax dollars DO NOT go towards abortion. Google the Hyde Amendment. You should at least know what you're talking about before you make false claims.
  5. That's not what I meant by my comment. It's simply to support my views, if I do the dead I'll face the consequences.

    It's simple.
  6. Lol it was meant facetiously.
  7. Yes it is I tell these people like you to mind their own business and they just keep yapping weird that I thought it was the other way around.

    It doesn't make you cool to plant your seed in 30 places and then think oh well theres abortion to fall back on if it gets that far actually makes you sad.
  8. I didn't realise we are all American
  9. Whoa, why are you assuming he plants his seed in 30 different places. That's presumptuous and quite silly. Just because someone understands that they don't have the right to control someone else's reproductive organs, doesn't mean that they are reproductively irresponsible. You're letting your butthurt make connections that aren't there. You can be a virgin that's personally against abortion and still be pro-choice.
  10. Very true V! You're correct. I guess that's the one decent thing about America then lol.
  11. One good thing about America would be if they aborted absolutely everyone in the country.
  12. Just man up and take the consequences? Dude so many girls get pressured into intercourse. It ks not fair to tell a girl to man up
  13. Unless a guy is forcefully pressuring their mini me into a girl without permission then that excuse is terrible.
  14. Your right I shouldn't make assumptions about a guy that makes assumptions. Im certainly not a virgin.
  15. If abortion becomes illegal any child I have is going straight up for adoption lel
  16. I have a question. If you can get charged with homicide for Killing an unborn child, then why doesn't a parent or doctor?
  17. ???

  18. Please don't talk about this. It makes me cry when it comes to abortion
  19. The only reason not to talk about it is that politics dont belong on forums or in games. However, abortion is a current issue and I dont think people will stop talking about current events becauze it makes someone cry
  20. What pisses me off is also when people say "Its her body she can do what she wants" It really is bull. if having her unborn baby's limbs torn apart after being pulled out of her is what she wants, then she can go to hell. If her own child can't have the chance to live, then it is only my thinking that she shouldn't either.
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