
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. I thought a baby was able to love outside of its mother's womb.
  2. Nope, still a stupid comment. Intercourse doesnt have to mean making a kid. Maybe for you it is, but just cos you think that way, doesnt mean everyone has to abide by how you feel.

    Grow up.
  3. I never said I was against abortion or if I support it. I am just pointing out the extremely flawed logic being used, but you're need to throw insults instead of posting an intelligent post with valid points does make me support abortion, but only for any children you or you're family members might have. Don't want that stupidity getting passed onto more generations.
  4. It's also important to note that just about every mammal routinely practises infanticide. Not only does it control populations, but it strengthens their gene pool by getting rid of animals that may be weak or have disabilities. Are we not mammals?
  5. Did you just say animals have at it when they feel the need to reproduce??? So all the dogs that hump peoples legs are willingly trying to reproduce with a leg?
  6. And being a hypocrite makes your point valid how? Haha
  7. Lol
  8. This conversation is based around culture and opinion.

    Religion dictates when and why you should have intercourse. Home life, upbringing, and culture can also dictate that as well.

    But, there is no law stating why you should have intercourse, nor when or at what age. Sure, the age of consent is beset in state law in the US, but again, culture dictates this.

    Roe v Wade has not been overturned since the 70's and has been the guideline set for all abortion debate.

    Much debate has been made in when a fetus is deemed alive and able to feel.

    By law in the United States, nothing is alive until it is born. Though in some states, if someone kills a fetus without consent of the mother, it can be considered a Homicide.

    Hence this debate. Morals > Law?

    I am and will always be pro-choice. Not my business what other people decide. Pisses me off when I see people that think they should be making decisions for other people. Mind your own damn business.
  9. That wasn't intended to insult, you could take it as a compliment because you convinced me to support it. No hypocrite here.
  10. Because they want to reproduce yes but dogs are dumb so they hump anything.
  11. I agree Willy.
    However that statement about nothing is alive until its born its slightly inaccurate. There are laws that ban abortion past 20 wks, unless the fetus is medically doomed to suffer and die, or the mothers life is in danger. They set the ban at 20 wks because a fetus does not become viable until about 22 wks. Used to be 24, but science is progressing. So an assumed viable fetus is given the protection of personhood, unless medically necessary.
  12. You still don't seem to understand what I'm saying. It's like speaking to a wall here. How old are you? 15? Acting like one right now.

    What I'm saying is there's a possibility, if you're having intercourse, that you can get pregnant. It's common knowledge, something we've known for years.

    All I'm saying is, if you're ready to commit the act, just man up to the consequences. My view on this subject has never changed. If I get someone pregnant, I'm sticking around, I'll find a way. If you feel ready enough to do it, feel ready when something happens.

    And about the "don't get laid much" comment.. What? You need some help, or at least like you said, to "grow up". Irrelevant to the conversation.
  13. Having intercourse is a decision. Hell, I was in the ARMY for 10 years. Around the world it is an act of self gratification.

    The ideal of having intercourse for copulative purposes is a cultural or religious decision.

    It is not law.

    And saying things like "keep it in your pants until you're ready to have babies" is you trying to dictate culture to other people.

    You are not God, the President or their parent.

  14. Wouldn't telling someone to mind their own business if it doesn't concern you be getting involved in other people's business? Maybe you should take some of your own advice.
  15. Do you even know what that means? infanticide is let's say a male lion goes into a prides territory kills or runs off the male lion who's in charge that's now his pride and his ladies but he will kill all of the cubs because they are not his and it will bring the ladies back into season.

    What's this got to do with abortion?

    Edit: lmao you are right I looked it up sorry
  16. I told the last guy that he didn't quite understand.
  17. And goofy, its not up to you to "find a way." The decision is between the woman and her doctor. They together, will find a way. If she chooses to include you, that's wonderful. But she doesn't have to.
  18. Stuck in the prehistoric age? Why, because I don't support little humans being vacuumed out of people?

    Or is it because I believe in a world where people take responsibility for their actions? If you wanna do the mattress mombo, you better be prepared to handle the outcome.

    Or is it because I don't like my tax dollars paying for these white trash (that applies to all races) women to kill unborn babies because they're too white trash to make good choices.
  19. Honey, its YOU who doesn't understand. Infanticide isn't limited to makle lions killing rival cubs. That's stupid. Have you ever seen a cat give birth? If she has too many or one has a disability, she may eat them. Chimps have been known to leave sickly infants to die of exposure. You need to do some research. You act like you know everything, but you're just making yourself look silly and uninformed.
  20. Support.
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