
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Btw, any religious point of view to this subject is moot, seeing their own religion is hypicrytical.
    These are ppl that believe in unicorns, giants, virgin births and other such nonsense. Your opinion on this needs not be noted, as you're all insane! ;)
  2. Support
  3. No one is "for" abortion, that's a silly statement. You can be absolutely 100% pro-choice, yet personally be against abortion. Pro-choice means knowing that its not your uterus, not your choice.

    The world is over populated, children are starving, dying and being abused mentally and physically in both parental homes and foster care. Women are getting forced into coitus. Birth control is not 100% effective. Coitus education in our schools is worthless, because most often abstinence only is being pushed. Look how well that has worked out for Bristol Palin. PP clinics are being shut down at an alarming rate, so women have limited options for easily accessible, affordable birth control.

    We all realize abortion is not the perfect answer. If we take a few common sense steps, the need for abortion would drop drastically. 1) Better coitus ed, and the banning of abstinence only curriculums. 2) Making birth control free and over the counter. A few states have implemented this, I believe ohio is one of them, but I may be wrong. 3) the raising of minimum wage so women might feel more financially stable to raise a child 4) better funding of state daycare aid programs. If women had affordable child care, they could work towards a financially stable future 5) better funding of grants and scholarships to college. Education is the key to empowering a woman who feels as if she is stuck.

    Abortion: safe,legal,rare. Banning it won't stop abortions. It will be the start of women dying from at home abortions.
    You can't call yourself pro-life if the thought of a desperate woman with a coat hanger, bleeding out from a perforated uterus, is preferable to a safe, sterile procedure, where she has the option to donate the tissue to crucial medical research.
  4. Yes...i did, cos i didnt listen to garbage like you feed ppl. I let them make their own decision. Unlike your dumb ass stompin up and down screaming at ppl that dont agree with your opinion.
    Go @#$& up your own life and leave others alone.
  5. There is 6 billion religious people on earth to say their opinion need not be noted makes you insane.
  6. I believe fetus is the correct term.
  7. If you do the dead, man up and take care of the consequence. People are here spewing bull saying its a woman's choice to decide if she wants an abortion or not. If she was so sure she didn't want a baby, why do something so risky as have intercourse? Things happen, stuff rip, you should know if you're committing the act something can go wrong.

    If you're willing to do the action, be ready to man up to the consequences. Easy way out for someone that doesn't want the responsibility. Pathetic if you ask me.
  8. People who believe in imaginary friends should NOT get a say in what I do with my uterus.
  9. Bypassing now I see what's next caps rage? Keep the butthurt flowing you unintelligent Frisbee.
  10. Yes that's a baby.
  11. So no one should have intercourse unless they plan on havin kids....man thats the stupidest $#@&. But i guess you dont get laid much do ya ;)
  12. Says this idiot who thinks fetuses have self awareness :)
  13. I thought that was what intercourse was for to have a kid.
  14. Seems like most of you against it rage about it being wrong.
    We just leave it up to the individual.

    Maybe you should stop being so stupid and stop raging at someone elses personal choice. Or do you just like big noting yourself and getting involved in others lives just so your happy.
    You're a pretty selfish person ya know.
  15. Lol...wow...just frikkin wow :D
  16. Let's explore using that logic: so if coitus is only for producing young, then an infertile couple can no longer have intercourse because they can't make a fetus?
    (Yes, fetus. It has no sentience, and cannot survive if it were to become unattached from its host. Kind of like a clinically brain dead person on life support. It may have heart beat, but it's not alive.)
  17. See, this right here is what's wrong with people on this subject. A bunch of idiots.
    Have intercourse, but plan for the worst. You know it's a possibility, but people come out here aborting because "they aren't ready". Should have thought about that before hand don't you think?
  18. Is that not the case then? People have intercourse to have a baby, you don't see the rest of this planet doing it 24/7 for the sake of it, animals have at it when they feel the need to reproduce that's the way it should be keep it in your pants till you are grown up and want a baby.
  19. 1. What if they are drunk and cant think straight
    2. ****
  20. Dolphins do it for fun. They will even force coitus with other species.
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