
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. The "it's not your life, don't worry about it" is the most hypocritical argument I've ever heard. Since when has that been the case? That's like saying murder should be legal, because if it's not your family or friend that gets killed then don't worry about it.

    I'm going to use that next time ISIS bombs hundreds of innocent people. "OH, you didn't know of the victims personally? Then get over it"

    What a joke. Do any of you pro-abortionists even do research on this before you start talking about women's rights?

    By best research estimates, only about 1% of abortions are due to forced intercourse.

    About 50% of women getting an abortion, have gotten one before.

    About 20% are on their third or more.

    Third one?!?! 20% is a big number folks.

    About 88% of abortions happen in the 8-12 week area. Have you ever googled a 12 week fetus? Make no mistake, it's not a bag of mush and cells that's getting sucked out with a vacuum. At 12 weeks the fetus is a mini human with arms and legs and a beating heart.

    If you're not ready to be a mom, keep your legs closed. Simple as that.
  2. I see a few countries have banned abortion all together good on them shame about the rest of them.
  3. Abortion should be legal. I'm a Catholic that goes to a Jesuit school, but I still believe abortion is ok. The fetus cannot survive outside of the womb, simple as that. If you think the fetus still is a living thing, then I guess sperm cells are living too (sperm cells are living things just to clarify). Should using a condom or birth control be illegal?
    What should happen in the case of ****? A woman is being forced to carry a baby that she might not want. She has to spend 9 months with something living in her that could cause her illness or death. Is it really fair to force her to keep the baby?

    For the people that are against abortion, are you against circumcision? Abortion involves a fetus that cannot live outside of a womb, where as circumcision is mutilating a baby's genital without the baby's concent.
  4. The next Adilf H itler and Pol Pot just got "murdered" too. Would you really want the next Einstein even if there was a mass genocide shaking the entire world?
  5. [​IMG]

    A fetus at 12 weeks.
  6. Damn right I'm against that its disgusting and I can only describe it as child abuse.
  7. I think TNT's post is the best one on the thread.
  8. Im glad you said that. I dont know where you are from, but it is upsetting that America has a majority of the men circumcised. What is even worse is that Muslim and Jewish children are forced into having it done too.
  9. Agree with you there grizzy..

    However I also count baptism and forcing a child to attend a religious ceremony as it..
  10. Why would you consider Baptism? It doesnt really change you, and it doesn't matter if you are not confirmed. I think Confirmation is really bad too, becuase where I live, we get confirmed in 8th grade. Most people i know only got confirmed because there family wanted them to or rhey did not want to be awkward and left out. Confirmation should be an independent choice when you are 18 or 21

  11. But where do you draw the line?
    What if the parents disowned her and the father doesn't take responsibility?, how will she pay for the child now?

    Making abortion illegal or penalizing does so much for the worse than for the better.

    Also until it's born the 'baby' is nothing more than a slightly harmful parasite.
  12. I agree.

  13. I bet you if I said I won't serve christians because of my beliefs I'd be lynched, or worse, in days.
  14. You cannot draw a line for these things. Abortion should be legal.

  15. Unless you carry the elderly around inside you as fetus than no

    But for everything else, yes if it's their choice and we've explored every route possible to help these people beforehand. (execpt underage intercourse, their brains are still forming and decision making isn't efficient)
  16. That's my point.
  17. Elite clan you can't be a true catholic if you condone abortion.
  18. Yes you can, even the Pope supports it.
  19. No, you can't. Although the pope has different views, the Catholic Church still condemns abortion.
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