It's not profitable in the uk, and a great many other countries actually. We're not all American. I think x was born about 1000 years too late. Oh, by the way, the only 100% safe sex is abstinence. Or a hysterectomy I suppose, which would again, fall under a medical decision to be decided by the woman. Edit: Ty pipe lol
Good points. Some people think it is a black and white situation. Either you're killing your child and you're a horrible person or you're not. This sort of thinking is plain wrong. Abortion is complex. I can't speak from experience but I imagine it would be an incredibly difficult decision and one you wouldn't make lightly. It is just as wrong to force a woman in to having a child as it is to ridicule, judge and hate on them for choosing to have an abortion.
If abortion is akin to murder, is using male/female contraceptives to avoid getting pregnant the same?
So it's okay to force someone to have a child against their will but it's not okay for a woman to choose to have an abortion? You're happy to make decisions about others lives that DOESN'T CONCERN YOU IN ANY WAY, but a woman is not allowed to make a decision that directly effects her?
Also, if op has the "niagras" he should send his message to his local politician rather than forums. Op request a lock on this lowest common denominator thread
I have to disagree my love its a dumb post. If you don't want to get pregnant put something on the end of it, there is plenty of birth control methods out there. To create a life and then take that life away because you didn't use protection is straight up selfish, abortion to me is murder. Edit: And has nothing to do with all that religion bs either.
Grizzy you're making the assumption that people only get pregnant through a lack of protection and as such is the only reason for an abortion. Many factors come in to play and it can be a more complex issue than that. Even with protection people can still get pregnant. You don't know their situation and to call them selfish is unfair. It's not your decision to make. It doesn't concern you at the end of the day.
Of course it concerns me and if it didn't I wouldn't be talking on here, the baby that was going to grow up and be the next Einstein and make intergalactic travel possible in 20-30 years time so we could spread our race beyond this tiny planet just got murdered as I wrote this so now we are stuck here.
If we all spoke in what ifs and hypotheticals we wouldn't get anywhere, ever. Like Rio said, there's no 100% protection other than abstinence or undergoing a medical procedure to prevent falling pregnant again. You really think people just decide to get an abortion because they didn't use protection? That's a simplistic and ignorant view. Is forcing someone to have a child a better solution? What about the people who can't support a child? What about the women who are sexually assaulted and get pregnant? They should be forced to carry a child for 9 months? And it really does not concern you. It's a personal decision made by a woman. It's none of your business yet you think you have the right to dictate their decisions. I saw this on another thread and it is more than relevant here.
And you think you have the right to dictate to me as well works both ways doesn't mean you're right because you most certainly aren't. I seen someone say females are not a delivery vessil, well what are they then? Females need to carry babies so our race can live on that's the way it is like it or lump it if everyone had abortions and nobody gave birth the human race ends. Edit: I seen the other post well exactly so keep your nose out of mine looks hypocritical.
No one said every woman who is pregnant is going to have an abortion...:roll: I believe the option should be there for women because the alternative isn't a solution, neither is it any better. Allowing abortion doesn't force anyone into having one. But making it illegal does force people to do things they don't want to. It's the woman's business, not ours. My intention isn't to dictate your life, Grizzy. I'm asking you to think and not make decisions that aren't yours to make. Would you appreciate me taking away something that is only yours to decide on?