I'm done. People give more rights to Animals than they do to un-born human beings. Sickening. Messed up world. I'm out
You have taken the argument 'It's their body' WAY out of proportion and are applying it to situations that don't fit. You have NO right whatsoever to force someone to go through a nine month pregnancy and deliver a child. The only person who should be deciding what happens is the people in the situation. Are you one of those people? No, I didn't think so. Stop trying to make decisions about other people's lives that don't concern you. I bet you wouldn't like it if I went to you and demanded you not do something like I have a clue what's going on in your life when I don't. That's the key point - you don't know a thing about a mother's life but think you have the right to tell them what to do. You don't have to be in favour of abortion. You have a right to an opinion, like we all do. But you certainly do not have the right to dictate people's personal lives. I bet you wouldn't like someone doing that to yours.
No one said we shouldn't look for safer ways to prevent pregnancy. Do you think people enjoy having abortions? You reckon it's an easy decision? Do you think they wake up one day and go 'Well gee, I think today I'll get an abortion cause I have nothing else to do'. You said you weren't ignorant? Then reread your responses because this is ignorance
So it's tight to speak for the rights of animal who can't talk but it's not right to speak for future little people who can't?
Again, no one said you couldn't SPEAK for their rights. But you can't DICTATE what goes on in people's personal lives. You think you know a mother's life and their mind and why they decide to have an abortion but the fact of the matter is that you don't. It's not a decision that is made lightly. Forcing someone not to have an abortion is just as cruel as forcing them to have one. It isn't your decision.
Why do people always have to bring things like abortion up in forums, its just gonna cause arguments.
Agreed. Everyone will have differing personal experiences and differing views, its also a very emotional subject. The chances of everyone agreeing on one option for it are basically none lol.
It definitely is, Delta. I believe it's a very personal issue. As outsiders we can't dictate such a personal decision. It's a decision made by the people it concerns. Society is not a part of that decision. Be it either choosing to have an abortion or choosing not to have one.
hold up their buddy last i checked assisted suicide is when the person consents to being euthanized because of medical reasons, even someone is in that state where they have months to live and is in pain they should be able to make that decision. now doctors themselves should never be allowed to decide if someone should be euthanized, itbshould only br vouluntary.
Every thing that is illegal is a personal decision only involving the people it affects. But such things have still been deemed "wrong". Now there are only handful of reasons to argue that abortion should be right, and literally hundreds of points to argue on why it should be wrong. It's profitable. Only reason why it's legal. Whether anyone believes it's right or wrong.
Wow....you just all sorts of stupid huh? Even if there was only one reason for it, and that reason is that "its up to the individual" That still beats all your dumb ass reasons to be against it. Your arguments are invalid. You have no point. Luckily you live in a free society where you can voice your opinion, because if not for free thinking individuals, your kind of society wouldnt give you the option to speak out with your ridiculous "reasonings" You my man, are in the right clan. "Evil concealed" suits you well
Your support seems to stem from a religious one. Cruel it may sound, there is no scientific basis to say that life begins at point of conception and that the body belongs to the baby (not the mother). Ultimately, cognition abilities are developed after birth. The whole spiritual notion of life is more religious than scientific. We can all agree that abortion should not be taken lightly. But between infringing on women's rights or the foetus rights, I would go with the women. After all, a foetus is nothing more than a bunch of divided cells, especially early on.
Incorrect. Things that are illegal like drugs, murder, sexual assault etc. AFFECT SOCIETY TOO. Does me having an abortion affect you? It affects your life, does it? How many reasons there are for or against something is irrelevant. You can argue your million points all day, it doesn't make it relevant. You wanna know why? Because it doesn't affect you. It isn't your decision to make. Yes this is the only reason it's legal. It has nothing to do with how a woman has a right to choose. It's got nothing to do with it being a choice for a woman. It has nothing to do with trying to assist a mother who isn't ready for a child or whatever the reason may be. A better solution would be for a woman to find away to get rid of the baby herself. If you didn't catch that, I was being sarcastic.
Abortion is 'the lesser of two evils' in many cases. The pregnancy may kill the mother. The fetus may be stillborn. The mother may not be capable of raising a child. The woman has a right to have control over her body.
The issue of abortion becomes very clear once you take religion out of the question. It should be a medical decision; and women is not a delivery vessel. How can anyone say that she loses her right to control her body once she conceives, and that a bunch of cells have more rights than her? It's a religious agenda.