Lol, thats a really stupid comment and you know it. I dont live in africa either, but i think starving a community to near death is wrong. So is people smuggling in Croatia and child abuse rings in Russia. I dont live there, but i dont have too to know when something isnt morally right or to identify opression. By your figuring, cos im pro abortion, i condone murder? Soooo, you're an American, i guess you're a redneck with no teeth and a kiddy fiddler to boot. Is it fair to judge you based on where you live? No. But i can pull crap oitta thin air and associate it with you. Doesnt make it true or right...but hell,if you wanna play that game, im cool with that. i guess you dont care about any other country but America. And by your statement, anyone who doesnt live there cant comment on what happens there? Aight...what eva buddy. Guess no one can comment on your opinion unless they're american right?
Lmao!! What the heck are you talking about? I ask one question, and you jump to the conclusion that I think you condone murder, and start talking about smuggling rings and how Americans are rednecks? Maybe you should stop rambling so much, and try to use your reading comprehension skills a bit. Thankfully in that rant of random connections, you answered my question. You have made long posts ranting at me saying abortion is none of my business because it doesn't affect me, correct? Correct. Then, you say you would be against legalizing murder in America, even though it would have NO affect on you. You state that morals are the reason you are against it, correct? Correct. So my next question there genius, is how come you can be morally against something that does not affect you, but I cannot? Now, try to answer that question without ranting about how I don't care about any country, or talking about "kiddy fiddlers". Let's see if you have the brain power, because so far all you have done is ramble about my religion, parents, heritage, and hobbies when I have mentioned none of those.
How do you relate abortion to killing a child thats lived and experienced life for 12 years and is obviously self aware? This is why we had a vote on this. And majority voted and accepted that an embryo was not a concious being or self aware, and can be aborted early on without injuring the mother. Your peers decided it wasnt an evil thing or "murder". It was simply a choice science gave woman instead of going thru with the pregnancy and needlessly adding to the foster care system or straining an already struggling mental health program. Not to mention making a kid suffer thru a disability because "you dont like it". Its not like your gonna adopt a kid huh. Or volunteer at your local mental heath clinic or disability support workers. But you just dont really care about that or even give it one thought. Its just "your wrong cos my view is right" with you ppl. No thought as to why we decided to impliment abortion or how much of a life saver it is to a lot of woman. Just keep throwing the "its wrong but i got no facts to back it up cept Murdah!!"
Using those anti abortionists logic...its ok to **** a woman cos its "creating life" Its ok to use woman as an object and vessel to create more life, regardless of her feelings towards it. Forcing pregnant woman to do what you want is perfectly acceptible as they have lost the right to their own body by being pregnant. An unborn embryo has more rights than the person carrying it. Even tho without this individual, it wouldnt exsist. (This is just some of the dribble im seeing)
Exactly what I expected. I ask a simple question, and you go rambling about something that has nothing to do with the question. Me: Hey malice, what kind of vehicle do you drive? Malice: What, you think just because I live in another country that my arm pits stink and I hate america?!?!?!?! That's what a conversation with you is like. I'll tell you what, go back to trying to tell me doctors don't abort past 8 weeks. At least it didn't take you 100 words to say that.
Hey, im just using your logic. And maybe go back and read what you posted then. As according to you, i think murder in america should be legal cos i dont live there. Thats your kind of logic. Im against slavery and starvation because it actually affects a massive portion of the world and qualifies as an actual issue as its killing more ppl than any abortion does. Im against it cos its wrong. Pure and simple. Only reason im against you, is you choose to attack those that use their right as a free citizen to obtain a medical option to not have kids. You trying to tell woman that their body isnt theirs when they're pregnant. Hell, it seems you value an 8 week old embryos exsistance more than the actual woman carrying it. In fact, id go so far as to say you'd perfer the mother to die than the unborn fetus. In your society, there would be whole generations of kids that have no parents, feel disconnected, lost, and probably have abandonment issues. in the end, you'd probably have a massive teen suicide rate as they feel no sense of belonging or purpose. They exist only because "someone didnt like an option your mother had and took her rights away" You argue that its a waste of precious life. Well each time you "self pleasure" arent you "killing" millions of potential life? Or does your view only go so far as concieved life, and that playing with yourself is fine cos its not a embryo or fetus? Its just a bodily fluid?
Lol, you really dont like your own logic thrown back at you huh. And now cos you have no other point to make other than "its killing a baby" you trying (but failing miserably) to tell me i just connect random dots. ...but thats exactly what you did bud? What? Dont like your own medicine? Cant hack that not everyone agrees with you, or that i wont budge from my views and keep critisizing yours. Dont like being told how to think or what to believe in huh? Then why do it to others? If you cant see the point im making, then really, you lack the care to understand and just seem like a child trying to win thru personal attacks or throwing a tantrum so ppl will just walk away and you can be satisfied you've one a debate. Unfortunatly even if you throw a still not going to agree with you. You've made it clear your pro life only if its a fetus. You dont seem to care about the life of the mother.
Murder is a world wide problem that effects everyone. Legalizing it allows me to shoot you 100 times if I wish and kill you with no consequences. I can go around and kill any one I want. It effects society as a whole. Abortion is a personal decision made by the people it involves. Which is not you or society. It affects the mother and the father (yes the foetus too). Not you or anyone else.
Pro-love lifers are not actually pro-life, they are pro-incubation. They care nothing of what happens once it's out of the womb, otherwise they'd be coming up with preventions and solutions. Like I've already said, there are simple measures that we could take that would nearly eliminate the need for abortion. But no, they'd rather just blather on about the sanctity of life, while women and children who already exist suffer.
Pretty much. Ive never once heard them aay anything about the childs life after its born and given up for adoption. I guess thats not their concern, as long as the kids born, thats all that matters to them.
This is why we can't have nice things. It's all good to debate, even highly controversial subjects such as abortion. But when people start trying to shove their opinions and beliefs down everyone else's throats, that's when things start to get ugly and personal insults start being thrown across all sides, which is never good. A belief or opinion is simply that. What YOU feel in your mind or your heart and just because someone else doesn't think or feel the same way does not make them right or wrong. /lock