
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Where did you argue our laws? How about a few posts up when you said I needed to check my facts, because you couldn't see a doctor doing an abortion at 5 months. Which I proved you wrong, and you changed your tune.

    Don't be mad because I made you fact check yourself, and you found out you were wrong.
  2. I feel like people skipped right over my initial comment, so I'll quote myself. People keep fighting over abortion, but doing nothing to help lessen it.
  3. There's you, being dumb. Arguing on a topic you obviously are not informed about.
  4. Keep in mind, that 20 week limit is for medically necessary abortions. Cases where the child won't survive birth anyways, is so physically impaired that they will have no quality of life, or the mother is in danger of dying. It happens, but it's not as common as pro-lifers would have you believe, and it's definitely not done willy nilly.
  5. Attempting to control a person and what they do with their body/life, whether its growing in them or on, is funny. If abortions are illegalized, all men (including myself) should go get our junks cut off. What's the difference? Both deal with babies, they both grow over a period of time, they are both our flesh and blood. If you think you can take away a woman's right to have an abortion, then us men gotta pay a price also. Only fair in my opinion.

    PS: men don't actually deserve to have a vote since last time I checked, they can't give birth. But much like the government, people can't butt out of another persons life.
  6. Read a little up sweetheart. I posted you where right...technically you're wrong if you wanna argue about it, as i was going off my countries laws and not yours.
    Yea, i checked your fact. You wer wrong. It was 24 weeks, not 20. But i gave you that one.

    You still a muppet, you'rw opinion is still a jaded one, and you still are losing this argument. Regardless if i didnt happen to know your countries laws on it, the fact of the matter is, its legal for a reason. And more of the world is becoming accepting of it as its not affecting anything, It doesnt destroy anything and it has no adverse consequences on the woman, society or humanity.
    Maybe you should direct that hate to your countries gun laws, cos im dead sure they killin more ppl than all abortions added up around the world.

    But i bet you your ok with pre schools gettin shot up cos "its your right to bare arms" yea?

    Its a womans right to chose an abortion. Your opinion isnt even warranted or needed, its not up to you.
    And if you throw that " oh but your telling other what to do" crap at me, well im only interfering with your opinion because you deserve it.
    You cant tell someone else how it is and then expect no one to do the same to you.
    The worst thing is, when someone does, you crack it like a little brat and just keep repeating the same dribble again and again like its a new argument.

    What you do to others can be done to you.
    You attack someone for having a choice, but when someone states they shouldnt interfere, you condescend them and try putting it back on them liek you actually have a point.

    You dont, you're just a poptart with a basic education and understanding on this topic, thinking you're a more moral and upstanding citizen because of your views, and anyone that doesnt have the same view deserves to be ridiculed and belittled until they agree with you....

    Lex talionis is my motto. Esentually i just believe if.you gonna attack someone for a personal choice, be prepared for someone to ridicule you for your views and opinion.
    Dont be a complete hypocrite.
    Maybe understand that medical professionals and governments have agreed that its not murder to abort a pregnancy, and that woman aren't just a vessel to pop out kids.

    Reproduction and being active under the sheets are two different things.

    According to your and Grizzlys view, its only for reproduction...so basically you're against gays as they dont reproduce and have intercourse for pleasure and fun and nothing else.

    See..i can put words in your mouth too ;)
  7. Oh yea because if a women is sexually assaulted she shud be forced to have the baby.... Smh people are stupid

    There shud be an option and should be a choice for the female.

    If you can't agree with that then you are living in the stone ages
  8. Ans what did i post after that poptart? Or you just skippin over that part cos it'll kill your point you trying to make.
  9. All I read out of that, was that I was right and you admitted you were wrong. For reals, you started getting so off my point I stopped reading.
  10. Guess you cant read. I said you wer wrong.
    But you go ahead and live in your fairy land in ya head. Most of you do when you realise your point isnt going to win.

    But i expected that. Run along now and go tell your friends how your right so you can feel validated :D
  11. Exactly what was I wrong about, enlighten me? Use facts though, not your opinion.
  12. No where in Numbers 5:11-29 does the passage notate that an abortion is taking place from Israelites use of the bitter water.

    The bitter water was used to identify and punish adulterers. There is no record in any scripture of bitter water forcing an abortion if a woman had concieved from adultery.

    Even if there was, which it is NOT recorded, the adulterers life was forfeit for their sin. That is the whole point of the gospel. Sin against God equals death. Think of the Egyptians sin. God took the firstborn male of every Egyptian in justice over Egypt's killing the male children of Israel. If God issues judgment that could force a miscarriage for an adulterer, then it is His right to do so as God. Why? Because we are His creation, and He decides the fate of our lives. Its not negotiate to question His holy judgement.
  13. No no..you didnt want to read remember.
    Now go off and get ya validation. Im not posting towards you as you wanted to make ya own fairy tale up.
    Read my post and maybe you'll see.
    I hate repeating myself, especially to poptarts...and youve reached my limit of repeats for explanations.
  14. I love how you ignored the fact that it is against God's law to work on sunday and eat shellfish.
  15. @Malice- Are you referring to your point of the difference between 20 and 24 weeks?

    Go back and read MY posts, I said they go BEYOND 20 weeks. 24 weeks is BEYOND 20 weeks.

    Is that me schooling you again? Yes, yes it is.
  16. God is still the biggest abortus supporter. Thousands of egg cells die throughout a woman's life. Millions of male cells die. Even when fertilized, most die. Btw, is not nice to use a man written book to reflect what god wants.
  17. Lol no..thats you stating you dont know your countries laws and takin a pot shot at the answer.
    Im glad you can follow instructions tho. Also glad to waste your time and energy here arguing with you until you realise, no matter what your views are on this subject, it still gives you no right to tell others that abortions are wrong because thats what you wer taught and no other opinion is right.

    Expect ridicule if you're so readily willing to do it to others. Just because you think it, doesnt make it law or morally correct, or anywhere near right. It just says you have no sense of understanding and dont want to understand at all.

    At least i can understand most ppls reasons for being against it, yours just sounds like you got a one way view on this topic, but only for the simple reason that its "wrong" or "murder" cos "thats what the bible says" kr "thats what my parents tell me"

    Too simplistic. Hence why i started on you...see if you can take what you dish out.
  18. You cant obviously. Hence the tantrums and trying to grasp at straws to just try and remotely prove a point.

    It doesnt prove anything other than you have a small mind and refuse to see any other side or point other than yours or those that agree with you...which isnt much backup if they think like you ;)
  19. Hence why you started on me? Lol how did you start on me, by being wrong concerning how long abortions are done until.

    Btw, when you use quotations, it means you're quoting something word for word. Seeing as I never said any of those things you quoted, it shows you are illiterate as well as uneducated on abortion laws.

    Nowhere have I used the bible, or my parents to support anything I say.But hey, keep making stuff up. Maybe you want to try and tell me doctors don't abort after 8 weeks again?
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