
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nova60, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Not as dumb as me? You say doctors can't abort past 8 weeks?

    Fact check: I don't know where you live, but in America doctors abort past 20 weeks.

    Any other stuff you'd like to make up?
  2. Many people believe different things and you can't say that for certain.
  3. Lol oops. Thats a fail...but im sure you can decipher it.
  4. Can't be assed to sort the quote mess out I didn't say anything about any white trash.
  5. But the LAW (in America)says it. Doesn't matter what you "believe."
  6. I started an HTE yesterday but had to abort it because nobody had a seal to use.
  7. Exodus 31:14- Death for working on sunday
    Exodus 23:19- you must eat a hamburger plain "not to cook a goat in its mother's milk"
    Leviticus 19:19- Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material
    Leviticus 9:10-Do not eat any shellfish

    Catholics have weird laws
  8. 20 weeks?? Bahahaha! I cant see a medical professional aborting a fetus at 5 months.
    Here thats illigal.
    I dont need to check my facts, but i think you do ;)
  9. Smart guy hey I'm not in America for a start so don't care about your laws.

    This is the main abortion debate because people believe different things there is no proof for what you are saying if there is carry on and prove me wrong I believe if it has a heartbeat it is living and its a baby.
  10. Also, to the person that quoted a whole bunch of bible verses:
    God himself says that you aren't alive until you take your first breath. It is also biblically noted that babies aren't consisted people until at least a month after birth. There is also a biblically sanctioned abortion potion written in Numbers 5:11-31. There are also MULTIPLE instances of god commanding women to miscarry, for them to be ripped open, and for already born children to be beat to death against rocks. Not to mention God himself killed every fetus and child in the world at one point.
    Maybe the bible isn't the most solid argument to use?
  11. From personal experience-
    Priests and doctors say to pull the plug on someone after 12 hours if they are unresponsive.
  12. Hmmm. My bad. TNT you right. In America its up too 24 weeks.

    Here its 9-12 weeks. Then most doctors will advise against it.
  13. I love when people think the Muslim religion is crazy but dont know a thing about the bible. It is against catholic laws to touch the skin of a dead pig (guess football is a horrible crime)
  14. I get where you're coming from. But take a braindead person in a coma, like an early term fetus, it has no brain activity, and also like an early term fetus, cannot survive without being attached to a system of life support. Just because that coma patient has a heart beat doesn't mean its alive. People can turn off life support for braindead patients, why then is abortion so taboo?
  15. @Malice- Wow, you want to argue our laws, and you don't even know them? You're a special kind of stupid aren't you.

    Yes, doctors here abort beyond 20 weeks. They surgically dismember the baby, then suck it out with a vacuum.

    Educate yourself next time you decide to argue a topic.

    http://americanpregnancy.org/unplanned- ... rocedures/
  16. The Bible is the final authority which this world will stand judgement before a righteous and holy God.

    The spirit of God breathes life into His creations. His creation and work inside the womb are His, not ours to destroy.

    And the passage in Numbers is an infertility punishment, the judgement God enacted for identifying and punishing adulterers. Perhaps you should seek to understand the Word of God before committing blasphemy.
  17. That argument is completely backwards. Someone in a coma will never be fully alive again, while a developing fetus is on its way to life.

    If comas only lasted 9 months, do you think pulling the plug would still be an option?
  18. Yeah, its an abortion potion for when they get knocked up. Doesn't matter WHY they got knocked up, its still a god approved abortion. He's the biggest abortionist of all. A whole world's worth at once is quite a bit, don't cha think?
  19. Have you worked on Sundays? Have you touched a football? Do you wear clothes of different materials? Have you eaten lobster or crab?

    If so, you are going to go to hell as said in the bible.
  20. Show me where i was arguing "your laws" ya muppet. Ive stated im "for" the choice of abortions.
    As for the education remark. Well ya see, thats not an offence coming from someone like you.
    Why dont you go get yaself educated and find out that abortions are there for a reason...not just to kill, but to save.
    If you cant see that, well tuff.
    But dont go throwing your "holy'r than thou" act.

    Btw...i just went to check Americas abortion laws, aka "educate myself", as obviously i had no reason to know them not living there....or did you just skip over that part poptart?
    Way to make yourself look even more of a loser fanatic with no care about the actual issue or willingness to learn...you just rattle off crap then cover your ears and shake ur head so you dont have to listen to another opinion.

    Get some humanity about you ya cocroach.
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