Abort- A short Journey

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Ryol (01), Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Please read this whole thing :) this story may seem very futile and pointless atte beginning, but trust me it gets pretty deep. Bear with it, you will not regret this.
    (the whole story is in this one post)

    Abort- A story of quirky ideals
    By: Ryol

    Little Dewey was only a baby, he saw the perplexed world in an unperplexed way. Colours. 
    The colours of the world were prominent in his mind, but objects were blurry. He saw Blue above him, green beside him, and yellow dots everywhere.
    He crawled still, crawled forward. He began his long and, what seemed like, a happy journey.

    Little Dewey had Grown since we last saw him crawling in his world of colours. He was now larger in size, he still crawled, but faster now.
    The world around him was more detailed in his eyes, the colours had boundries and shapes. The green was long and whispy around him. The blue was vast above him and the yellows were not circular dots, they were round edged crosses. 
    The journey he had set himself upon wasn't close to over. He continued to crawl forward.

    Little Dewey is now even larger, we did leave him for awhile. He has learned alot since last time. He can count up to how long it's been, he can count to 5.
    The world is still a bit hazey. The colours are still there. White puffs now float in the blue abyss above. The yellow crosses are now outlined by a feint line of black and the whispy greens now block his view from some of the yellows. He now feels a strange and smooth force brush against his body and his hands. 
    He tries to walk, but stumbles and begins to crawl again. 
    His journey is not yet complete.

    Little Dewey seems to have missed us. He knows how to feel that emotion of longing. He holds up his fingers. 8.
    He sees the world clearer, but not as
    clear as you and me. 
    He named the blue abyss, sky. The white puffs, clouds. The yellows, flowers and the greens, grass. 
    But now, what are these purples that float ever so gently around him? The purples are alien to him, they land on him and float away in an instant, and what is that which blinds him in the middle of the sky?
    Little Dewey does not know, but his journey is not complete yet.

    Little Dewey smiles at us. He is happy we have come, and earlier then before. He says to us "I'm 10".
    What were once so different are now so familiar. He's made friends with the grass, made friends with the flowers and plays with the purple "butterflies".
    He seems to show a disliking for the clouds, the sky and the blinding "light". He does not understand why they won't allow him to touch them. The unseen force that pushes him back is the worst of all, he named it "wind" or "air". 
    Little Dewey has even felt pain, introducing to him the colour red.
    Another mystery yet to be solved on his long and, what seems like, a happy journey.

    Little Dewey ignores us now, how long has it been since his first contact with his blurry world? 15 years
    "Blood" is what he named the red. It was what he related pain with. 
    He no longer cared for the flowers, no longer cared for the grass, the sky was only there and the "Sun" was only light. 
    The clouds poured his sadness onto him, "water" was related to sadness. Drops of water were clear and wet cages filled with depression. He even made water fall from his eyes when he was sad. 
    The Butterflies allways departed and left him when the clouds dropped sadness. The happy blue in the sky turned to grey, and the grass and flowers drooped. 
    Although he no longer cared for what used to be his friends, he found a new companion to become friends with. He was comforted by "sound" and he would sing to make himself happy.
    Although, there is still much for him to learn, as his journey is not yet over and is yet to be close to over.

    Little Dewey seems much older now, so much happier, so much wilder. What age? 18 of course.
    Little Dewey was now filled with energy, all caused upon by his new realisation. He called this new realisation, Alcohol. 
    His world had gone blurry once again. There is no reason to continue watching little Dewey now, we will come back later. His journey is yet to be told.

    Little Dewey seems to have regained his maturity. His new neat posture, the new beam of confidence that shines from his smile and his regained happiness all scream 25.
    Although little Dewey has regained his ordinary human nature since last we saw him, he doesn't notice everything he used to notice so prominently before. 
    The grass, flowers, butterflies, sky, sun, blood, rain and clouds are all too familiar to realise now. 
    He no longer appreciates the alien of the purple, the whisp of the green, the cross of the yellow, the vastness of the blue, the pain of the blood, the brightness of the light, the puff of the white, or the sadness in the water. 
    Although, what he does appreciate is the heat of the orange. It is the one thing he doesn't take for granted. "fire" frightens him and fear is what drives him to notice it.
    Although he is now very familiar with all of this, his journey continues. As

    Little Dewey seems to see life corporately controlled. With his suitcase to his side and his tie held on tight, he shouts for the world to echoe back "30" 
    A new green falls into his lap. A green friend to replace the friend forgotten a long time ago. He names this new green "Money". 
    This new friend has also brought him to realise a brown. A brown and green mix he calls "trees". With these trees he can make money. 
    Some would think this would make trees another friend for him, but some are wrong. 
    To make money, trees are destroyed. Little Dewey's new friend drives him to kill trees. He hasn't realised yet, but this is his first encounter with something dark, something sinister. 
    Let us leave little Dewey for now. This side of him is much too frightening for us, much too sad. We will continue watching later in his journey.

    Little Dewey is now frail, much older then before. It has been a long long time. His obsession with money frightened us, but now it's subsided. His wrinkles show evidence of 50.
    Being as weak as Little Dewey is now, his utter obsession with money has become a thing that is no longer noticed. 
    He is introduced to happiness once again, but this happiness seems different, anything different is named, this happiness is called "love".
    His newest friend gives him this love and he gives it back, this friend is named "dog". 
    Dog is the only living thing in his eyes other then himself. 
    He may see love, but his love does not let him see. Everything else is still only a memory.
    Love keeps him blind. He notices nothing anymore, nothing except his dog.
    Let us watch him later. His journey looks close to over, but there's still so much to learn.

    Little Dewey is now much much older then before. His skin sags even more dramatically now and his eyes reflect 70.
    What little Dewey once loved, turned his love into sadness. This would now be his second encounter with "Death" and yet te first he will remember. 
    He watches his faithful companion breath it's last breath. Air is re-introduced into Little Dewey's life. 
    A tear falls from Little Deweys eyes. Water is re-introduced into Little Dewey's life. 
    Little Dewey crawls away, and then crawls back, lifting the dog, stumbling as he rises. He regains balance and walks. Crawling and Walking is re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey whispers into the dogs ear "Heaven".
    Sound is re-introduced into Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey looks up towards heaven.
    Sky and Clouds are re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey begins to dig into the ground.
    Grass is re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey places his dog inside the hole he had dug. A beam of light shone on his dead companion.
    Sun has been re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey covers the hole and places something on the mound as a love offering.
    Flowers are re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Little Dewey watches as millions of floating purples land on the make-shift gave.
    Butterflies are re-introduced into Little Dewey's life.
    Death has cleared Little Deweys visison, although it has also made clearer a new fear. The fear of death.
    Little Dewey's journey is ending soon, but you will no later notice that the end was sooner then you now know, much sooner.

    We see Little Dewey now on a bed. It has been longer then usual. He whispers "100".
    Little Dewey has still remembered everything since the death of his only love. Although unluckily for Little Dewey. His ending will not be as happy as that. His ending will not mean a thing.

    A man, a man wearing a white coat and white cloth mask now stands above him.
    To Little Dewey white means nothing. All he sees is blurs of green, yellow and blue. 
    To Little Dewey this is the beginning of his short journey, it is also the end. 
    He now see the man as a blur, what is that moving blur? 
    Little Dewey feels something unfamiliar, and sees red trickle down his stomach. What is this that he feels when he sees red?
    This is his first  and his only encounter with death. What is death?
    The blur moves again. The odd feeling strikes, and more red. The world is too blurry now, Little Dewey cannot see a thing.
    What is the world?
    We return to the beggining of Little Deweys Journey or the beginning of the journey he never experienced. 

    Little Deweys dead body. His small lifeless hands, his small strengthless legs and his small thoughtless, memoryless head all scream no number, age did not exist for this Little baby. His number was 0.

    The doctor looks at the smiling parents, happy in their loss. The doctor calls out for them to hear. His words are dark, evil and sinister, but they bring joy to the parents who were never parents.

    "The Abortion is complete"
  2. Too lazy. Summary?
  3. Umm.... It's better if you read the whole thing <.< because a summary just means you don't get the whole emotional experience. Sorry dude.
  4. Well now I know where you stand on abortion.
  5. Lol >.< sorta, i guess I don't really stand anywere with it. I'm neutral. So did you like the story?
  6. Nice story man it's relly nice how u did that and I'm netral to but leaning to the no abortion side though
  7. This was an amazing story, Ryol! Good job. I'm also neutral, though it depends. If abortion is used as a birth control, I'm completely against it. If it's for a reason beyond the woman's control, like she was raped, or the baby is going to have a defect the parents couldn't hope to afford, I'm okay with it happening.
  8. Great story Ryol! But you're obviously on the "no abortion" side. Lol. I'm yes unless the parents just use it as a way out and an excuse not to use condoms. But if they aren't ready, she's raped, or can't afford it then I'm a definite yes. Lol
  9. No like I said before, i'm neutral.
  10. Bump for ryol
  11. i thot this was gonna be comedic...
  12. So bored!!!! Somebody wall me
  13. Bumpity  this is good writing even if i don't agree with you.
  14. I'm confused. He lived his life but he died before he was born
  15. It was what his life would have been like if he had gotten the chance to live it.
  16. This story would be more meaningful if you had given him a better life but still it's very good : )