Ability to re-arrange your buildings.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by iGabe920, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. I don't see this happening but it's really a "if it matters to you kind of case".

    I'm not bothered by my buildings being oddly built.
  2. Support... I deal with my crazy build on my main cos it's too expensive to rip down, but I'd love to fix it
  3. Support can't see anything wrong with idea 
  4. Lots of support for this :) but really it's not OCD you people got to realize that... It's just a nuisance when I don't like the way it looks...
  5. SUPPORT i emailed devs a month ago bout this.
  6. Support organization is good
  7. My building placement and stats are based on relative uniformity ..... Might be a touch of OCD ..... Have wasted about a tril moving buildings as t6 came out 
  8. No Support
    As the arrangement of buildings is a purely cosmetic thing. As it offers no advantage what so ever. If you want to have them organised plan ahead I did. As this would take up to much resources. Ata should focus on fixing thier mistakes not making more. I so carnt spell
  9. Next is ponies!