Ability to re-arrange your buildings.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by iGabe920, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. I had to tear down some buildings because I messed up. I hate it when this sort of crap isn't symmetrical. It bugs me way more than it should.
  2. Plan ahead or change when shifting up a tier.
  3. There's an app on android to plan your build. I found it useful.
  4. No support. I wasted hundreds of billions rearranging my build so that the buildings were in a pleasing symmetrical pattern. You can do that too.

    Ps -> I really don't think that it's wasteful. This is a game -> if you arent enjoying it because you don't like your build (design, type of buildings, etc) then change your build. 
  5. Next we should get ponies eh
  6. Or here's and idea!

    Have a plan when your building! Don't figure out what you want to build once you open the land think a head....
  7. I give you my support as someone with OCD
  8. Support .. What harm does rearranging your buildings do .. Would
    Love to have this ability
  9. I'd like that because I'm OCD, but I'm also cheap, so I've never rearranged
  10. I tore down a HF building because it wasn't symmetrical...it was an expensive mistake.
  11. I would love this so much.. How hard can it be to give us this option? >_<
  12. Support, one of my alts is a hybrid, and would be fun to make my lands into a chessboard. 
  13. If it cost a nob per building moved the devs would consider it.
  14. I agree with op. i want to rearrange to a better looking pattern
  15. SuPPorT
    Nob suggestion above probably the only way though.
  16. Support a lot of people have ocd
  17. No OCD.

    I have CDO, which is the same as OCD but the letters are arranged in alphabetical order.....as they should be
  18. Support. I put mine in a pattern