Shut up Charlie, no one cares about what you have to say bruv.. And on topic.. My OCD supports this thread
This isn't a bad idea and cool little feature but in big terms of things this is absolutely pointless not sure it's worth Devs time to code it
It doesn't. However if they're going to give us updates that don't matter and somewhat ruin an aspect of the game they may as well give us useless updates that we asked for. Support to both ideas.
I think you should be able to hide achievements from an event you missed, considering you dont have it and never can get it
Support, I believe we should be able to choose the pieces of equip and achievements that go on our profile page!!!!!
Support to the original concept, excluding last login. Last login would take the fun from hide and seek in osw. To the player who wants to remove event hunt badges out of profile awards - so agree! Let us have that which we are most proud of on our profile.
For the last login setting, I think it would be a good idea if you can deactivate it in settings ore something.