AB decreased by 3m/hit in Haunting

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Malestone7469, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. How does the estoc spell effect gold?

  2. Have not noticed anything on any of my accounts...
  3. maybe you had ee and it expired
  4. 3-weeks ago, with EE L1
    I was earning 41m 1st hit n 38m last hit
    Last week with EE L1, I was earning 38m 1st hit n 35m last hit.
    I was already pissed off at that time. Now I'm earning way too little.
    Now I'm earning 32m 1st hit n 28m last hit w/o EE
  5. Lmao, im lucky to earn 30 mill first hit on Hauntings.
  7. Re: AB decreased by 3m/hit in Hauntingo

    Just hit a haunt for the first time in months since start of ig war. I hit to test this and don't look like mine has changed at all. If it did then its by the millions and I didn't notice the change
  8. *thousands .not millions
  9. Mine hasnt decreased once from what i remember
  10. Agree to agree
  11. @apollo an irule
  12. Also if you buy a strong ally it can effect your payout since you are stronger and are hitting something that is still the same strength it lowers your plunder at least this has happens to me on FoD