AAH & DeVasT4TioN Vs Ya__Judgment__FI

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *BottomNuggets (01), Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Re: AAH

    ok say it again we are devastation with aah members in it ask aah and they will tell u the same they are aah we are devastation do u see us devastation members with aah in name no and do u see aah in devastation clan page no ...
  2. Re: AAH

    Then why do you fight for someone who will not fight for themselves? Who have brought many clans against us so they wouldn't have to do it alone.. Unless you are a part of aah or have some deep bonds with them?
  3. devastation is fighting for our members not for aah we are fighting for the members that u guys started to hit and started to call them runners ... that why we are fighting
  4. Re: AAH

    You shouldn't have hosted their members and expected not to get hit.
  5. Re: AAH

    I'm fighting bc it's kingdoms at WAR not politics 
    And Appleseed put my *** in ur ca I'm getting bored making money and having less than 20 inc each day. You all got my hopes up with more than usual hits yesterday but yet again dropped off today...
    And no worries We have targets too  but I still manage to give inc to ur clan
  6. Almost all of remaining, active, and surviving AAH members left their clan into yours.

    If you are clan devastation,
    that means the AAH members in your clan are all runners and AAH clan is dead, or
    AAH members have merged and been absorbed into clan devastation.
  7. Re: AAH

    It's very easy for you to have lots of inc.

    Just pots up tons of 11 sdp, you will be a main target, I assure you ;)
    It's normal reaction for you to be scared of us burning tons of your sdp each day. :lol:
  8. Re: AAH

    ..... Who cares bout the politics of who came from where who's in what clan... Point is the peeps at devastation are fighting whether they are members or guests... So lets all just be...... FARMERS TILL THE DAY I FORGET TO PAY MY INTERNET BILL 
  9. Re: AAH

    It's very easy for guests to request for CF early if they want to.
    Many can attest to that. ;)
  10. Re: AAH

    I'm shaking so scared of losing def pots oh wait I haven't needed them to fight for more than a year. Why buy def pots when I can but atk pots and take gold away from ur clan??? And burn urs at the same time 
  11. Re: AAH

    Appleseed I'm not interested in a cf... I'm not ever sure how to ask for one, I've never done it  please teach me how if u can
  12. Re: AAH

    Devastation being the tough seasoned warriors you claim know next to nothing of how YA_judgement_FI have warred for nearly 2 years... Perhaps ask aah bench warmers in your clan how it works. To quote but not word for word, 'a target a day' you may not be hit today but be strong they'll work their way to you...
  13. Re: AAH

    Thanks for your honesty in explaining to everyone why you aren't a main target :lol:
    You may be happy you have no pots to be burned, but you are totally ignoring the fate of your clanmates :)

    I'm not interested in you or clan devastation asking for a CF too. So I won't teach you. :lol:
    We will get to your main soon. :)

    YAFI thrives only on OSW, that's all we look for in KaW. We are more than happy to entertain everlasting OSW instead of dumb EBs, so please don't ever ask for CF. We would have a headache looking for new targets.

    That's all I have for you today. ;)
  14. Re: AAH

    No worries they have already and guess what I didn't lose anything  talk as u wish I'm just here to have some damn fun and farm away all day and all night long
  15. Re: AAH

    Yup you don't lose anything. Your clanmates do ;)

    Quite a number has dropped their 11 sdp only to pots up just before the EE war, and to be burned off again after their EE war :lol:
  16. Re: AAH

    PS... This is my main only account I play on these days but if u wanna farm my inactive alts they are all at clan ghost beat  and don't worry I won't request it, been playing for 2 years now idk I've lost track so I've heard my clan is this my clan is that crap all the time let actions speak for u. I respect that alot more than any words ever will...
  17. Re: AAH

    Ghost bear*
  18. Re: AAH

    No member of devastation cares bout losing anything either, bc it's all a game all for our entertainment and it can all be gotten back if lost
  19. Re: AAH

    Ok gotta go spend some time w the wife so feel free to take my 20bil n allies if u like ill be open 