A8/Os CF Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, May 16, 2014.

  1. Os v Yafi lasted like 13 months

    Last I checked a year is twelve months
    Just saying
  2. WOW LOL

    It took 3 "Veteran OSW clans" to take down a noob eb/forum clan like A8 :lol:

    I am not surprised though.. Osiris is a bunch of scrubs named after a skater shoe. They are run by a bunch of drama queen females that have no clue how to fight. OS-Meagan just wants to feel important like she can actually do anything or run a war. Why do you think all the big Osiris accounts left? :?

    The ScoutLawz went from being oG's lackie to a dead clan that came to bail out Osiris. I look thru A8 still see lots of allies. You guys couldn't strip them? What a joke.. You should have stayed with your fail oG alliance.. Sorry you got whipped by the wdgaf. Regulators made a name for themselves by deading the Scoutlawz and Foxes families.. you guys are history and this OSW proved how crappy you are now..

    The 3rd clan in this is a bunch of noobs that act like they fight with the big boys.. All I see is Pup devil crying all over forums one minute then beating his chest the next minute in a desperate attempt to make his clan relevent..

    your group is washed up if you couldnt clean out a noob clan in 3 months. :lol:
  3. Gotta love how the big mouthed trolls always post with an alt. Must be awful to be that afraid that you must hide who you are. That's why no one will ever care about you or your opinion 

    Why the osw started and how it finished is now irrelevant, players fought, some friendships were broken and new ones were formed.

    This is a war game, even though some morons keep forgetting so hats off to everyone involved.

    To the chicken alt trolls - if you wish to be taken seriously then post with your main and stop hiding. 
  4. This is my main JB i just reset.. You just butt hurt because i pointed out the facts and now that you had to call in a dying clan like the scoutlawz and a joke group like the other guys, just shows how bad you have fallen off.. So many big accounts left you because they saw this type of debacle coming
  5. JB drop stats so i can farm you
  6. I would like to point out that unless an account in A8 states it, A8 does not support or endorse it. ️
  7. Obama  right, show some of my tears. I would like to see em. Star scream don't act like you would do anything if jb did drop stats. You return inc from my alt yet? Scrub 
  8. Obama's wife would have posted with her main. And star scream you also need to grow some balls and post with an account that isn't a statless waste of forum space.
  9. How did that conversation go with the Scoutlawz?

    "Hey sorry guys I know you are in the process of picking up the pieces of your fail clan, but do you think you could give us a hand with this group of EB noobs? If you come then Crap Devil will bring his joke squad with him too so we don't get spanked." :oops:

    Did you ask them from your knees like your mother at work?
  10. Me butthurt 

    You just proved my point lol
  11. So Osiris or whatever their actual name is. Won? Alone with help from two other clans.

    Hmm, is that an actual victory or just got to the point of this embarrassment of an argument that was dragged onto a game by a bunch of people who can't solve their differences without bad mouthing or actually making them selves, immature, self obsessed and pathetic

    I honestly thought this would end as a mutual cf, as it's just like two dramatist and vain wrenches that got their heads right up their own asses about a silly comment.

    But hey, I don't know on which grounds Demi threw in the towel, yet hey, at least she can say she put a end to such a poor display of peacocks flashing their feathers.

    I don't think anyone's heart was in this osw and I doubt anyone truly cared for it, it was stupid and meaningless. And you could tell that by all lack of income, over indulgent of smack talk and just stupidity from all
  12. Huh.. Just realised that's a bad idea to post an image with bypasses.
    Baaaaaad idea 
    Remove please?
  13. Can we let this thread die now please?
  14. Lmao unicorn.
  15. Hey spineless stat less alt. Obviously you are scared to post with your main. So I'll just take you as another butt hurt player on here Thanks for caring about us so much

    Ï Åm ĐęvĭŁ
  16. I'm sure I could talk to curtish IREG or whomever needed Obama if you wanna dance with your main lets tango 1v1.
  17. I am fully engaged in every war I participate in……just saying…
  18. And it won't break cf
  19. Who brings the pain. Respect to you pain for hits back.
  20. ^ AC me back, mister.