A8/Os CF Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, May 16, 2014.

  1. A8 seems to be a relatively small and untested clan. They lasted 3 months against established osw clans. Doesn't matter what damage they did. That deserves respect 
  2. Roland. Hardly 3 months against 3 clans lol. I think it was shy of 3 weeks once devils and outlawz joined. While it is good that their clan didnt crumble, going inactive (as many did) doesnt deserve respect. Those who did fight: monk, pain, and some others are the ones who deserve respect. Not the ones who sat inactive and did nothing.
  3. Damn I didn't realize my opinion was so highly regarded that I would have to keep talking about it

    Pup I didn't say they kicked your ass. I didn't say they did a great job. I DID say I don't know all the details. Anyone who wasn't involved won't know all the details. What I do know is that 1 clan requested a cf from 3 clans.

    Whether it was 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years, I respect that they did enough to warrant 3 different clans feeling they had to hit them. Am I not entitled to have my own opinion on respect?
  4. War is war. Both sides brought in extra people, Osiris just had war ready allies. No one here cares about the details of how it started, or why it lasted as long as it did. There were other threads for that drama.
    Respect to those in A8 who fought back against the odds. There were several who were stripped and potless and were still returning hits. That is what earns my respect.
  5. Highly regarded opinion? Hardly. I was just clearing it up for you, since you were wrong about the duration two to three times. 
  6. I think u miss his point pup.

    It took 3 clans. Someone plz repeat for this guy
  7. I know I'm getting old when I don't understand you kids at all now days and your lingo what is a troll 
  8. Haterz gonna hate

    Trollz gonna troll

    Pupz gonna act like a little pup
  9. Bowwowwow yippe yo yipie yayy
  10. Pinky; I wouldn't say it took 3 clans. We helped to end it quicker. Os could have done it; It would have just taken longer. Lets not forget they went from oG vs WDGAF (1 year long) to ZAFT vs UC (however long) then to this war. They deserved a break after that long of straifgt osw. Something you wouldnt know about as a war runner, so I'm not sure why you are even here? You hold no credibility when it comes to war.

    Anyway, I'm off this thread now. Respect to the a8 that were in my news.
  11. If it had just been Os the outcome would've been the same. Respect to the An8's in my news.
  12. Lmao pup 3 clans bro all I hear. U don't think I'm awesome my news awaits
  13. Roland see what you started 
  14. Pup, your osw timeline there is a little skewed. They didnt go from og/wdgaf (did not last a year, only 6 months) to zaft/uc, because og/wdgaf started and ended after zaft/uc.
  15. Lol Osiris was near 2 years vs yafi - afther og/uc vs zaft/wdgaf war 
  16. Ya 2 years with yafi. With AAH, iG, voodoo, Devast4tion, DTG and whoever else in the mix at one point
  17. osw history - too many to remember
  18. True TNT. I was in BH Therefore where I was it did last a year or at least 10 months. I forgot oG and WDGAF didn't fight as long as LR and BH. But still, people are hating on Os like they are badass because they have fought 1 or 2 osw's. When Os have been in more wars just the past year and a half.

    Ok I'm out all!
  19. Pup, It's fine, you can leave. Os sucks