A8/Os CF Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirty_LovelyDenial, May 16, 2014.

  1. I'm good thanks bud 
  2. *whispers*

    Seven days

    *crawls out of TV*
  3. Cynder get back into your television no one gave you permission to leave your television
  4. You all suck anyways
  5. Guess I'm doing this again. Good war well fought proud to have been on the a8 side.
  6. Hmm had enough eh? No more friends to call I guess :lol: guess maybe lovely will think twice before shooting her mouth off :lol: nice job showing the drama queen a lesson Osiris 
  7. There was a war ?
  8. Wait no offense onesy,

    But wasn't her clan fighting 3 separate clans? Kinda hard to call her out for calling friends when the other side seemingly did the same
  9. That's true, Cynder. Not to mention, the opposing side was a bunch of osw clans, compared to her mostly unblooded eb warriors. It was hard to find an unpinned member of A8 a lot of the time.
  10. Uh that wasn't my point cynder maybe miss drama queen shouldn't say stuff about ppl then call help when she realizes she bit off more than she can chew :roll:
  11. That's pretty much how every osw starts and every alliance war too Lolz
  12. Not really sure about the details but any clan who can last 3 months fighting 3 other clans by themselves deserve a little respect 
  13. I agree with Rol; Respect
  14. Not sure where people are getting their info. Devils and Outlawz joined 3 wks ago, not 3 months. They lasted longer than I expected once we joined in. There were a few that hit and hit regularly. It is hard tho to hit when pin most the time. Respect to those who fought back.

    Ï Åm ĐęvĭŁ
  15. Not to be an asshole, and this is not specifically towards A8 because it happens alot, but why do people post respect to a clan/person that did nothing besides get pinned for a long time? Really if you don't do damage to your enemy, where is the respect earned?

    Respect for checking your phone 5x a day to see you have no/few troops, so you go back to your real life activity? Respect for not caring about this game enough to request a cf sooner?

    I don't understand it. The enemy I respect is the enemy they hurts me, not the one that lets me kick them around for a long time.
  16. you are assuming that a8 did no damage to the other side and that we were pinned 24/7.

    both are false assumptions.

    anyway. i'm going to go back to staying off this thread as i slowly fade back into retirement.
  17. I was with Aces n Eights or well my main was and he still is and I don't regret it we were out number and out matched but we stood our ground and fought back. And I like to thnsk all those who give us respect and such️