A Zombie/Survival disscusion with Zeth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Fewer than 1% of the population in most civilized countries with running water get malaria...
  2. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I read the article a while ago, but it is by a credible author. It's why I've never gotten into a popular zombie tv shows that people seem to be talking about a lot... if it's scientifically impossibe, what's the point of making movi... oh wait, everybody dreams about fantasyland. My bad. Carry on
  3. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Wait if you get bit in the hand and immediately cut off that hand do you still get infected? How fast does it spread?
  4. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    On an episode of BecauseScience, I heard that a "zombie virus" from a bite spreads through the entire body in about 70 seconds. So theoretically, if you cut your hand off within 3-5 seconds, you'll be fine. Otherwise, you won't be fine.
  5. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    so you are saying that in countries where malaria is extremely uncommon, mosquitos don't transmit the disease; therefore a totally different and (imaginarily) common disease would not be spread by mosquitos.

    you are all like...a scientist and stuff, yo.

    my theory is like...zombies don't breath n stuff. so like...mosquitos wouldn't like...bite them or something? because like...mosquitos are attracted by the co2 that you exhale due to like...respiration n junk. you know what i mean?
  6. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Wait, what? Are you saying the next time I get bit by a mosquito I'm going to get HIV? I am having a hard time interpreting what you're trying to say...
  7. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    but like...hiv isn't transmittable by mosquitos...or something. i'm pretty sure i raed that in a tv show once. like...not all diseases are like...like that, n stuff. like...a virus has to be like...adapted to the insect so that it can like...infect the bug saliva. or something.

    but like...the zombie virus is an unknown, man. it could be like...transmutated or something.
  8. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I cut Sarita's hand off in the Walking Dead and she still died and Kenny hated me.
  9. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

  10. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    My plan:

    1)Raid my local police station and get a boat and get seeds if multiple crops
    2)Get into a remote island via boaf
    3)Kill any zombies on the remote island
    4)plant vegetation
  11. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Get killed by other people raiding the police station.*
  12. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I live right beside the police station, I can prob make it there before others can :l
  13. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    but what about the police at the station?
  14. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Honestly I don't think zombies can run. Now maybe a fresh bitten person that just turned could run for 1 maybe 2 days. Rig amorous sets in and why zombies are slow. I'm no doctor on how long it takes to set in that's just a guess but the muscles will be stiff and won't work well enough to run. Fresh(fast n strong) 1-3days old(slow n weak). Now I don't own a gun, got some knives and a 2ft dagger. I would have to make do with that and use whatever I find on the way to collecting family. Most stores will more then likely be looted already or a hazard to your health due to so many ppl killing each other for the stuff therefore creating lots if zombies in that spot. Find a boat n get the hell off the land be primary goal. Make it a year then most zombies should be slow as my previous thots and would be ez to kill.
  15. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I have always wanted to bang a zombie that's chained up. I would wear protection of course so I do not turn into a zombie. Maybe I wouldn't if I'm at the end of the ropes.
  16. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    um? ^
  17. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    hey! He just said what we were all thinking
  18. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Oh lord. Necrophile alert.
  19. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    What's wrong with being a necrophile? It's not horrifically socially unacceptable.
  20. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    ^ It is called Rigor Mortis. Not rig amorous.

    I used to have a job in which I was part of infection control, and in a zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't recommend running around with weapons.

    What if the disease was carried by animals or insects? What if it was in the water or was airborne? What if it could be spread upon skin contact with infected? It would be too risky for you to go out.

    I would just try to cover up as much as I can to protect against any viral threats (the cities would be hit before my small town would be, so i'd have time) rush to the grocery store and buy lots of canned food.

    At this point our town/province/federal government would probably set up martial law, curfews, and other measures to prevent the spread of infection. We could set up perimeter guards to warn of any threats and prevent anyone from entering or leaving.

    Our hospital would run out of supplies quite quickly, and we'd have to ration them somehow for emergencies. We'd have to also ration gasoline and other supplies. We'd be faced with the question of what to do with the old people. We wouldn't have enough medication to keep them going, which would strain order in our society.