Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Ah as I said. We would only be monsters per-say, to those who are not us. Allowing women and children to live and be happy within my borders will humanize my men enough and give them something to hold on to and fight for. Zeths party seems like it would only have men that can fire a weapon. It doesn't seem like he will have many women or children there as he does not want people to hold him up. (Children and people who can not fight and shoot) My monsters moral will long out last his plan because he chooses to have only the essentials in an Arizona desert that lacks proper water and food.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Fort Grant is centered in the Graham Mountains, close to Safford AZ. Much of this are is woodland, and lush plains. There are many ponds, in addition to Fort Grant being near many fruit orchards, and the largest tomato growing plant in AZ. There is an abundance of Deer, Javelina Board, etc. It's a decent place to be as far a places go. As for fort grant, it is a state penitentiary. Some are more secure than others.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth I'm also a fan of the "give until it hurts" approach regarding refugees we find near our territory. Considering that me and my buddies have supplies (we're survivalists for an actual possible crisis, like economic breakdown) we would be able to give to local survivors and refugees based upon legitimate need. We would also be able to extend medical help when possible. It's better to make a possible ally, and lose a small amount of supplies, than to keep your supplies, but build a reputation, until somebody bigger and badder knocks your base over and ransacks your caches. In doing this, we would be building a community of people nearby. This web, if you will, can tell each other when a horde is headed from further down the line, or a group of bandits. As for the group structure, it should a democracy where major changes are concerned, such as moving base, bringing in new members, and watch schedule. However, one person, one vote doesn't always work fast, so in many situations, the leader needs to make a decision then and there.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Ah. Lol. Well my idea was only a troll one to get this thread more discussion. And it worked. I will post my real idea soon. Just give me time to write it out.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth This approach would get people to trust you, and in getting people to trust you, they'll talk about the info they know, such as conditions in other areas, the location of other groups, etc. As you slowly build this community, it might be a good idea to invest in craftsmen survivors, bringing them in whenever possible, maybe even home builders. Eventually, you're going to need to repair, and even build new additions to your base, and eventually, homes and houses. There is a suburb near my base that could be repaired, and used to house this new community. Of course, modifications would have to be made to the entrances, minimizing it to one major entrance, roadblocks, barricades, checkpoints. But this is up to thirty years after the Apocalypse, if we're talking my kind of Zombies. You need to first think small. Give here and there, repair buildings, and survive. But there comes a point where it's no longer survival, it's just life. When Zombies have become just like any other predator, and they are a part of everyday life as much as a fly is.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth I read the first few paragraphs from the op and I'll say that: 1) not the first time I've seen this 2) I totally want it to happen 3) I'm prepared.... I think. 4) support 5) love the gun choices. And I have a cabelas less than 30 min from my house...on foot. 6) #apocalypsewouldbesofun 7) and now a gif...
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Another thing, you're going to need gear, besides just guns and ammo. Let's see who has the best list of these survival items... You can either have your hands on this stuff beforehand, or find it after. Walking Talkie's: Mine would be the headset TRC-500's, primarily because they are hands free, and have VOX (voice activated mode). The only downside is they come in only two frequencies, but that is remedied by some bastard crystals and somebody who knows them. Body Armor: Simple Kevlar brand is the best. Although it won't stop high caliber bullets, it has to do. Footwear: I'm going to have to say a Pair of Bates Army Combat boots, or my favorite brand, My Wolverine Work Boots. You also need a way to get in touch with other survivors. Either Shortwave radios, or a HAM Radio. Preferably both. More optional gear can include riot shields, and even grenades.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Okay, first off, I'm going to be real realistic with my zombie survival plan. I will completely avoid places that sell guns and ammunition. Like Zeth pointed out, he would raid a place like Bass pro shop. I feel like there is a great chance he dies there. That reason is because it will be packed with people sharing the same idea and if he doesn't get shot or trampled in the rush, then he may get bit by an outbreak. I have a AR-15, a 12 gauge, a 9mm pistol, and a compound bow. All with limited ammunition but lots of arrows. I also have two well trained dogs, a girlfriend Stage 1: The initiative Once an out break occurs my first step is getting home. I live on a hill with very few people as neighbors out in the country. Though, I do live walking distance from a major interstate highway. So first I will call my girlfriend and tell her to gather up all of the nonperishable food and put it in a bag and then keep all of the perishable food ready for immediate consumption. I will also have her make sure the dogs are inside so that they do not attract unwanted attention. When I arrive. I will give her the pistol and ammo and load mine and hers four wheeler up with the supplies. Hopefully it is on a week that we just bought dog food. Other than food, and ammo I will also take lots an pans, my zipo and lighter fluid with flints, a sleeping bag, shovels, my hatchet and machete, a campus and a topographical map of my surroundings. That and fuel cans full of fuel. And let's not forget the storm radio that doesn't need batteries as well as the storm flashlight that doesn't need batteries. We load the four wheelers down and let the dogs follow on foot. We will go tail side for a short while until the vegetation allows us too go off trail. We will then park and cover the four wheelers and disable the ignitions. After a quick water and food break for the dogs we will travel deeper into the woods and attempt to go mountain side. The harder it is to climb the better. The plan for the next 3 weeks is to live around this moving location. I will track and hunt deer and rabbits and squirrels when able. Both of my dogs know how to hunt and track game as well. We will be near a creek that has fish so when all else fails we will fish for food and I have a book on what I can and can not eat in the woods as far as fruits, vegetables are concerned. This plan will hopefully keep us alive durning the initial phase of insanity and outbreak. Stage 2: The quest for survivors, ammunition, and supplies. Durning these runs I will always keep my girlfriend and dogs with me. You never separate in a crisis. I will need her to be my look out and the dogs to be my back up as well as a distraction if it ever comes to a worse case scenario. One dog the blue tick hound will be with her on look out. My blue heeler will be with me on the ground. This will allow me to rummage gas stations, look for ammunition, food, and so forth. I will also be on the look out to see if any friends or family survived and to see which one was better prepped to have a hide out. Step 3 Survival and living. After that, it all goes into what the environment has out for us and what situations run across us. There will be a lot of long nights, tears, and failures. But hopefully if I plan smart, and stay decisive and follow my gut, me and those around me will live a life worth living in a zombie ran world.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth That's for the block party to kick off the apocalypse. It'll all get cooked that night.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Good point on the Cabela's. Your Bug Out Strategy is, in my opinion, excellent. Load as much as you can onto the back of the four wheelers, including gas, and bail. However, that is only practical for the first month or so, hiding out on the run. Sooner or later you're going to have to find a place to hole up and fortify. The dogs would come in handy, provided they know to keep their mouths shut, otherwise they are a liability. After about a month of playing batman in the boondocks, you'd need to find a place to hole up, be it a prison, or a cabin in the woods, which is more suited to your needs. You've got to think about the seasons, snow, rain, you can't brave all of that in a sleeping bag. Never split up, as you said. The four wheelers are invaluable, as they are relatively quiet and fast.