Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth I would go to Home Depot, get as many supplies as needed, then raid an Academy or Bass Pro Shop for more guns, head toward The Graham Mountains in AZ, and shoot pigs to eat.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Idk,guns are loud and attract more zombies, and without ammunition (and the capability to carry a large enough quantity for a lifetime), a gun is useless. I would go old school like daryl and the samurai chick in the Walking Dead. Also, do you reckon zombies have the dexterity to climb ladders?
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Those aren't Zombies. Those are diseased people. Zombies are the living dead. 28 days later those people were diseased. Huge difference.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Personally, I prefer Diseased People. And also, go for a machete. They are the ultimate weapon for zombies. Samurai Swords aren't really practical, unless you go for a head stab, in which case, go for a machete, but if you can chop through zombie neck bone, cartilage, and muscle over and over again, then come on superman. Quit showing off.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Sorry, as a horror buff I feel the need to discern. Zombies are living dead. They died and came back to life. 28 Days Later isn't a zombie movie. It's similar and viewed as such but it is a disease epidemic movie. This is actually a huge subject of debate in the underground horror scene. Carry on.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Diseased People are actually possible. Undead are not. That's why I prefer 28 Days Later or so.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Anyone who has ever played Plague, Inc. or a similar game knows that Madagascar never ever gets infected by anything. Same with Greenland, but Madagascar would pretty much be a vacation all the time.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Zombies: not scared of them but they sure as hell will make me run fast. As for weapons, I'd go with a Matchete and a firemen ax. Not that loud but if those 2 get stuck in a zom I'll have a back up colt.45 for emergencies
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Imagine, 5 Zombies are closing in on you. You go all samurai, or woodsman, and slice toward a zombies neck. It sticks. And the others use your large intestine as a necklace. An axe would be better for a slice to the skull. Even then, it may get stuck.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth My intestine would make a sweg necklace. The knives always get stuck in TWD
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth I would simply use my words. "Hey there mister zombie sir can you stop eating my friends? Kthxbai" should suffice. If that doesn't work then I would pull out my swords and what not. Have to agree guns too loud and running out of ammo would be horrible. Ain't no infinite ammo cheat in real life....
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth Melee: Axe: Good For Silent Kills, but also heavy and easy to get tired. Go for one with a good weight, and a rubber plastic handle. A useful tool too. Machete: In my view, the ultimate zombie killing melee weapon. Good for cutting off grasping hands, and stabs through the mouth. It is also a decent tool. Hatchet: More Portable than an Axe, this small weapon can do a decent job when brought down hard enough. Be careful to not get stuck. Hammer: Easy to find, decent to use, and great for getting you killed. It will take multiple blows to kill a zombie, valuable time you don't have. Crowbar: Better for breaking into buildings. Only use when nothing else is available. Chainsaw: The Idea is to not get infected, right? Congratulations! You just found the only melee weapon that needs fuel. It also sprays blood everywhere, so watch out if your mouth is open or you have any cuts. And it also serves as a great dinner bell for zombies.
Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth You want to see some real life zombies? Try High School, guaranteed satisfaction!