A Zombie/Survival disscusion with Zeth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    I can understand the point of preparedness for most any situation. Although highly unlikely, Russia could nuke every major city tomorrow, and it would all go to hell at an alarmingly fast rate.
    Zombies though, zombies provide a whole other aspect.
  2. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    True true, and we're buying 4 pounds of powder a day as well as shot...
  3. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

  4. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

     I can't read emoji such as these, I have Android
  5. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Fiction is fiction....
    Screw loose if u believe otherwise
  6. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Did your favorite walking dead character die too?

    Was it Hershel?
  7. Re: A Zombie Discussion with Zeth

    Not a fan of zombie flicks.
    To each their own
  8. Re: A Zombie/Survival Discussion with Zeth

    Indeed. If you don't like it, leave. I'm using this thread to discuss normal survival tactics too. If you would like to chime in on that, feel free.
  9. I'm learning plastic moulding as well as basic repurposing. I'd recommend learning how to make 'redneck' or DIY batteries to store electricity.
  10. Not bad.
  11. Thnx also woodworking with basic tools,(ex: stone, repurposing steeledge or other things), and making smelterys. For example cut or break a fire extinguisher in half for the crucible, HOLE in the ground and surrounding it with charcoal or coal. Like the charcoal till its caught and start to use bellows. Still working on how to make bellows but can connect end with metal piping to blow air in to make charcoal and crucible to melt certain metals.
  12. Sometimes I feel as though the whole zombie survival discussion is a cover used by criminals and illegitimate militia as well as lone wolf terrorists to discuss strategies against the US law enforcement whose agenda is to prosecute these people.

    Think about it.

    "Hiding smoke from fires to avoid detection"

    "Weapons of easy makeshift construction"

    It looks like a huge ******* smokescreen to me for them to blatantly say what they want to do to cops, private security firms, and military units that are the "zombies."

    Just another way to put it into perspective.
  13. Bruh
  14. I ain't yo bruh
    Naw...You dun kno me liek dat
  15. Always gotta turn something fun into a conspiracy. 
  16. Hey, I enjoyed it when I was a kid. Thinking about houses, weapons for self defense, disaster plans, hoarding long lasting foods, scavenging abandoned stores and gun shops...

    There are some great online zombie survival games. A lot! I've played nearly all of them...So many hours spent.
  17. Again, although zombies are fiction, preparedness is a must. It's just common sense.
  18. zombies are fiction, however there are many ways an apocalypse can come. (nuclear war, solar flares, my mixtape burning everything down, ect) there's nothing wrong with preparing :p
  19. Dat Mixtape fire?
  20. so fire that if i were to post it the thread would be locked for flaming. :cool: