A War Thread Guide for Forum Noobs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Ain't that the truth! Great thread! 
  2. This is why I love these forums, threads like this :lol: Great read op!
  3. Lol. I'm glad someone else besides me finally found this thread to be bloody hilarious. When it comes to kaw humor, cynder is Phil's only rival.
  4. @omet

    Yeah I remember cheese awaking on the forums a way back. Wasn't much of a build back then either. The devs were smart to turn down a guy who doesn't even bother to play the game anymore.
  5. Lol ashes. Lots of love back at you.
  6. Actually, it's a good thing I got turned down because I would have come back and started playing again.