A War Thread Guide for Forum Noobs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Sorry. I just really wanted to push that reply button, as tempting as a new recipe may be.
  2. Warfare is your name as well as it is mine and a lot of people here cynder lets hear your mighty words cyn
  3. I actually believe the definition of forum noob is someone who forums first and plays second. These people with relatively small stats who post the **** out of terrible threads all day. The attention whores and such who's primary goal is to become forum president like that's such a goddamn achievement.

    90% of my threads are in the off topic section. I make joke threads for the most part. and imo people who piss and moan about how that 'doesnt contribute to the game directly' can get farmed, cry, and go back to sucking the proverbial teet of the EBs to which they so desperately cleave. im not gonna make threads about mechs or build guides or any of that crap because that doesnt spark my interest. If that is wrong, to post how one enjoys, than obviously im missing the point of the forums. everyone here knows I war, war, farm, extort, and war. I'm here to have fun.

    And so by the 90% definition, Willy must be a forum noob. Ashes must be a forum noob (despite being in the largest current osw). Gotta disagree, and while parts of this thread did make me chuckle, the overall effect kinda plays against you Phil. This thread is a thread bashing those who post **** that doesn't help KaW directly (correct me if I misinterpreted), yet this thread really doesn't help the game directly.

    Just my two cents since I'm 'born to post on threads like these'

  4. Not here to take sides. I respect both Phil and cheese (guessing that they're having a tizzy) and I am trying my best to remain neutral in this engagement
  5. Cant help but think your a forum noob yourself philo who just yaps about other peoples wars while not actually doing a great deal of anything yourself. You can correct me if im wrong of course 
  6. Cyn Not all of us are forum noobs Why do u think i put warfare on there instead of Forumfare 
  7. Just cuz ur stats are small doesn't mean ur forum noob Lolz

    U don't post on crap threads all day or whore for attention. Maybe I didn't specify my personal definition enough.
  8. @cheese.

    Technically philo can't be butthurt unless you were farming him, which you weren't. At least not with that account.

    @ cynder
    I agree size doesn't make you a noob but actions do. Cheese has less than 100 actions which I think qualifies as a forum noob.

    As for off topic, I don't mind them. I just hard the religion ones. Don't need that religious crap in my game. Especially all that Islam. I want my women to show their flesh. Not hide it. 

    Btw my current obsession is Wayne Gretzky's daughter Paulina. Wish I could show her my great one. Enjoy!
  9.  Dibs on the left
  10. I have no problem with people making off topic threads. I do have a problem with some noob who clearly has no idea what is happening going on a war thread and threatening to squeal to the devs.

    As for my war threads, its nasty work but someone has to do it. And I pay my dues. I spent 2 months as a zaft clan farm and both IG and LR have smacked me around a bit. Heck both Frog and cynderstryke have farmed me before. 
  11. I agree with cynder. The one on the left is better. Frog must be a breast man.
  12. Who taught you how to apply logic?

    I hope it wasn't one of your parents.
  13. You remember Phil 

    I haz a nice inactive hansel for troops to munch on nao. 40m hits. Have to break up with you  I'm a gold digger
  14. Liked your posts up until now Phil, I know you are smarter than to take stuff out of context, so don't do it, you look like a fool. It wasn't simply "asking for a sandwhich." You and I both know that, especially from the line before it.

    As for whether or not this game is played by mainly males and what the title screen is, is irrelevant, it doesn't change the fact that it was sexist, all it did was add another lame excuse to your post.

    If you can't admit that, that post was sexist and rather uncalled for, than I'm not sure what happened to you because you seemed like an intelligent person to me before.

    As for taking a crack at cheese, how much more can you contradict yourself on the whole "forum noob" topic. All you are known for is your threads, talk about posting first and playing the game later.

    This thread contradicts itself completely, what the hell happened Philo?
  15. You know what, phil? I'm not an unreasonable guy.

    Most of my friends here can attest to that.

    I'm not narcissistic enough to believe that there aren't people here who dislike me. Being a creator of controversy will always come with haters. You of all people should know this.

    At the same time, I know there's a fine line between an annoying forumer and a helpful/entertaining one. I am well aware that I've been on both sides of that line. I like to think that I spend more time on the helpful/entertaining side, but at the same time, I'm not opposed to the possibility that my judgement is skewed.

    Now given the fact that your personal opinion of me is worthless, I'm willing to put it to a vote, if it means that much to you.

    Forums can "vote me off the island." If you ask me to, I will create a thread to tally the votes. Anyone is free to ask their friends to cast their vote. I will not campaign. I will not ask anyone to leave the thread unless they're going off topic. Anyone can post whatever embarrassing SS or information they'd like on it, so long as it doesn't break the ToU. I'm willing to put my character on the line for all of KaW to judge. If the thread gets more leave votes than stay, I'll reset this account, and I'll never return - not to KaW and not to forums. This will be a one way vote. If I win, I'm not even asking you to give anything up, so you have zero risk in asking me to go forward with it.

    Now, had you approached me and simply asked me to stay off certain threads via PM, I probably would have listened, since I think you're a relatively intelligent person, and you seem to have a moderately decent sense of the general climate of KaW. Clearly, it's too late for that at this point.

    This is your chance to get rid of me once and for all.

    Ball's in your court, bud.

  16. Philo dont you make your threads just for abit of fame among your so called forum noob brethren? Yet here your trying to bash them? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you 
  17. Amen Cheese, don't mind Philo, I think he's gone a bit stir crazy over some Internet forum fame... Poor guy.

    Philo, you blew all respect I had for you, especially after that dig at cheese, he has been and always will be a better forumer than you.

    Now enough of these crap threads, it's about time you got back to writing up some more bull-crap, misinformed war threads and strip catalogues, while you sit on the sideline and pretend you know what is going on.

    Honestly, I hope he's trolling with the whole forum noob thing, if not, I've never seen something so contradicting and hypocritical.
  18. Not an unreasonable guy? You should say you are a reasonable guy. Lol
  19. OK, well, since you aren't properly addressing anyone's post, I'll assume this was a troll attempt, in which case, I'll say:

  20. @cheese

    A guy is butthurt when they complain after they been attacked. Have you been farming Phil? Doubt it with that build.