A thread for frog 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-OPTIMAL-_-CHAOS-_-, Jul 7, 2015.

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  1. That's because the average white boys aren't blowing each other up. When
  2. This is one of my faves

  3. frog Is a racist guys,he just put up a picture of a female in a confederate swimsuit, it can't be a coincidence given his opinions on other countries and as a black person if I ever seen I'd have to fight you, I'm sorry:(
  4. Black people play kaw? I just can't see it
  5. Lol shut up, is that like a new stereotype for blacks now? Do tell
  6. If i made a thread for Frog it would be about hot chicks.

    Cause we Eskimo bros yo!
  7. Oh for crying out loud. Don't go there. They cancelled the dukes of jazzers over that stupid issue.
    Now on topic ladies and gents.
    We shan't go into the race debate here unless frog wishes. It is his bias and thread after all.
    So a little respect.
    Which is the true issue.
    What is really a shame is that having discussed much with frog in pm he still shows no signs of empathy for the very real victims.

    Personally I am worries about how resentful and bitter frog has become.
    His rants at devs over war zones and resentment of times suiting USA primarily for wars.
    I can relate there but it is what it is.
    The empathy issue though. That is shocking and alarming. I hope he finds and gains the support he needs to become more companionate in life.
  8. Bad bad bad forumers! :p

    This thread has crossed the line of no return - zero tolerance for racial/ethnically discriminatory posts. You guys know better come on!

    Best to keep flaming/harassment off our public channels, cheers.
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