Lmao yeah sure buddy, yet here you are. You are the most hypocritical idiot I have ever met and I love it my mothers data plan? What you on about kiddo? Lol oh was that an attempted insult?
I cannot believe the lack of empathy in that statement. Would you feel so inclined if it were your relatives that had been murdered. The whole point is. And this should be a given for everyone reading this. Every life on earth is a valuable gift. It is precious. Everyone deserves peace and love in their life. Those who can help give that to others have a duty to do so. Those who would betray a person their basic right to life, have no place in society. Tolerance of others value and worth is essential. Empathy for the suffering of others is essential in life. Empathy at its most base level is what makes a person a loving parent. A caring friend. Respect is the acknowledgement that everyone deserves that empathy and the same right to life, that you would wish for yourself.
Such crap coming out of the optimals mouth. Where do I accuse the the other threads OP of him personally putting white people first? It was a general observation of how when terrorist attacks happen in western soil they tend to get much more attention then in other parts of the world. In no way can you prove I said the OP personally put white ppl first.
Been watching this thread with mixed feelings, trying not to let emotions cloud my thoughts but here's my input. Frog didn't actually say anything against white or western people, he pointed out that western atrocities get more media time than other countries. Freedom of speech has been mentioned a lot, surely frog can't be called out for giving his opinion.
You, mate, clearly do not have a brain. It is called SARCASM. If you don't understand it, look it up. Once again, I was just describing what I feel is the general reaction Western media has to terrorist attacks on their own soil, not some personal vendetta against whites. I'm fine with whites. Hell, I've even slept with a few white chicks. ️
i never said those people are worthless, they are as special as you and me. So im not gonna honour them more or think about them because if thats the case i might as well think of every single person who died.
Sarcasm about the dead makes it acceptable upon a remembrance thread. Note to self. Belittling people's loss is acceptable when they are dead. Thanks for the feedback frog. Crack Yes you should. All lives have value. All life should be treasured. And if you cannot spare a moment of your life to think of others however they may have died I feel sorry for you. But the fact is whist not wasting anytime on those victims as they deserve no more thought than others. Your words. You chose to find the time to make derogatory remarks regarding their deaths and thus insulting those who died. It would have been far more gracious and courteous to show a little humility to just ignore the thread and leave it for those who actually care to remember to do so in peace.
And the best response he can come back with is to post images belittling women and reducing them to sexual objects for his desire. Not that he would stand any chance with any of those women. Not insulting to all female players here is it. Learning a lot here frog. Ty
I'm not belittling them. I'm worshipping them. And since this is a thread for me, I declare we will now make this a cosplay marathon. Post your best cosplay now. ️
Wow nice stereotype there buddy( which was a very poor one) but no, I don't do that, get your head out of your rear end they aren't the only ones that do that