To clarify frog. We westerners are very aware of our liberty. And we embrace it. I honestly feel for those who do not share the same freedoms as us. Though those freedoms are diminishing. We thoroughly understand and can relate to many issues. Many if which we have seen first hand. And my point was that you assumed the op was putting white people first. You were assuming he was putting his people first. Colour no. I am certain he mentioned all victims regardless of who they were and what they were. The op was entitled to post a thread for those of us in the same nation to remember our fallen. Just as you are perfectly entitled to post threads and inform us of events there. We are capable of understanding. But it is your willingness or pack of to accept that we white people have no empathy towards others. I would fully expect Asian media to cover any such event with highlighted detail. Though that may be restricted, in which case players like yourself can enlighten is. Rik you think this escapes and I should be reasonable rather than flaming. I am totally serious. I am a trained counsellor and understanding people and motives is a key part of life. Having frog discuss his thoughts and opinions with us is excellent from my point of view. I wish more players would share more from their areas and present kaw with a global image of the player base. I found frogs posts disrespectful and found a way to discuss without derailing an excellent thread. Tolerance comes from understanding and empathy. Without those things society is damned. Peace comes through force and control. It's the who what and how that matters. Am I proud to be a white westerner. Heck yes. Do I think other cultures are worse? No, I have total respect for many features of many nations traditions. The family values and structures. The teaching methods. The technology. The social discipline. Many aspects of many nations have value. It is through that understanding and through accepting someone else has a better idea than you that we learn. Imagine a culture derived from the best of all cultures on earth, restricting through rule of law the less desirable elements. Imagine if politicians could admit others have better ideas than them. If they did it for the love of the people not the greed. Trashing people's threads is not the best use of a global voice. Especially one that so clearly has issues to discuss and make us aware of. Free discussion is the best method. So as I have said. All discussion from frog and indeed anyone about any global aspects are welcomed.
"Lol hey mate, you mentioned it, not me. Sorry I opened my mouth. Just pointing out the irony. Lemme rephrase: Some white people were killed? What a tragedy. Let's have a moment of silence and blow up Afghanistan" Maybe someone would rather I quote him word for word. Intent and hatred clear to anyone with a brain. One of many of his posts complaining about white people. Many more on other threads. But this is about disrespect to the dead. About complaints his media fails to deliver. As does he with a lack informative threads. And then complains when someone else does an excellent respectful thread he could easily have ignored. Post hatred on such a thread and don't want to be called out. Don't cry when called out. Don't be an ass on memorial threads. Anyone's. basic respect seems hard to find on here. Don't like my point of view. Fine you are entitled to your view. Just as I am entitled to mine.
Yo Frog isn't American sniper made to glorify the life of a killer? Don't get me wrong he did what he had to do but I don't envy I guy that's trigger happy and enjoys killing like he did, and their was once a saying that there is no room for a black man in a white man's army which was kinda true back then and still has some truth to it
sure make a memorial thread, thats all the terrorists want anyway, attention. Sure those 50 were innocent, so are the millions of others who die every day.
What he did was one make a generalised assumption. Have you also done a study and interviewed every westerner to count if the majority feel the way you say? The fact that he spoke with such little respect and objected to the thread filling up active topics shows his contempt for the victims. People I'm his opinion as he stated dont deserve to even have a thread posted in their memory. As is clear. It was close to myself. It meant something. It was relevant. So frog has no right to demand who writes what thread in forums. Now philo accuses me of lying for interpreting frogs posts how many would, and have. Perhaps philo should remember that everyone has a right to free speech ( if they are prepared to accept such speech has limitations and consequences ) quote the bills correctly. And as stated re the last quote again maybe frog as I have repeatably stated should act accordingly to his own beliefs and inform is of relevant issues he feels we should be aware of. Rather than blaming others media for reporting local news better than their own. If people cannot have enough time and empathy to respect any one from any nations thread. Then I certainly am glad I don't have time for them in my life. ( other than this thread )
America killed way more people then that when they were in Afghanistan a lot of course we're civilians. America is nothing but proprigabda, they never are what they say they are, and at least these terrorists are up front about there motives, America are just snakes
Think it was something that frog said, but all this terrorists talk gave me the chance to talk sh!t about America is all
Easterners don't appreciate their free speech. See, I can make broad generalizations that are in no way true also. That's also not what free speech means by the way.
If everybody had freedom of speech hardly none would appreciate it, I'm really tired of people saying that lol
The right to freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Article 19 of the ICCPR states that "[e]veryone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". Article 19 additionally states that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals". Everyone does. Just many countries deny their citizens their rights. Just as many assume that freedom of speech means we can say anything. It does not come close with all the laws attached. And who but myself can judge whether or not I appreciate the freedoms I have. Especially having seen what others have to endure. I found frogs voice on that thread very disrespectful and a couple of others but he was the most vocal. No matter the location all victims families and friends have the right to remember and mourn their loss. Without being persecuted for doing so.
Snakes with 2 world war championships, what's your country that makes you so mad? I bet they are the real snakes.
You haven't been persecuted for anything. Everyone is just sooo worried about their feelings being hurt these days. Frog has his right (even though I disagree with what he said) to say what he did.
When did I say I was persecuted. Ierely pointed out politely he was being an ass and wanted to further understand why. I even gave him his own thread to speak on, so that he was free to say whatever he wants without offending others that he was so willing to deliberately offend. He is free to say whatever he likes here ( within the law and tou) as am I. Kind of a pointless comment, other than you admitting you disagreed, in other words took offence at his posts validating my opinion.
Championships? Sounds like a game to you,and America basically got involved in world War 2 near the end, also did I mention Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden were under America's payroll at one point? They gave the necessary resources that caused them to be a threat but they ended biting the hand that fed them, lol I wonder why? America is modern Rome, it will be it's own downfall
And I live I America, wasn't born there of course, and trust I don't plan on living the rest of my life there lol