1,000,000 aborts a year in the US They also export the aborted fetuses to other countries that have less restrictions on the uses of the tissue. With claims of PepsiCo using the tissue indirectly. Presidents Obama security and exchange commission ruled that pepsis use of fetuses for flavor enhancers was ordinary business. However they say there is no fetal cells in the final Pepsi products. Enjoy that next sip. This is the world in which we live.
Scientific theory and theory are different. Although there are holes in evolution. You all may come from monkeys that fine with me. I don't. Y'all monkeys.
Xaxaxa. Traditional movies and literature all featured zombies that were dead and reanimated. Simply because many of the modern incarnations feature zombies from plague does not change the traditional definition.
You do realize evolution is based off observation. Observation and theory that has been confirmed by many scientists throughout the world. Religion is based off a book (the Bible,Koran,etc). Who wrote the book? How is it saying that the world is 10,000 years old if we have rocks that are dated 4 billion? And yet you all say evolution is just made up and all the fossils are fake and flaws in the sacred books are ok
Hey, check out Dr. Milton Wainwright he is a microbiologist. If you want to read some freaky stuff. Then that's it.
So first off to clarify I said rocks and not dinosaur bones. Second where did I ever mention carbon dating? Scientists use isotope dating which I'm sure you don't know what it's is so ill explain. It's when a radioactive isotope of an elements halflife aka when it breaks up into other elements is calculated then lots of math frankly I don't understand but they figure out how much of it has broken off and thus use isotope dating. Since carbon is organic and breaks down it is not reliable for more than 40,000 years thus they use the above described method. Making your point INVALID.
. The world in which we live, where crazy people can make crazy statements like this because they think everyone will blindly believe their paranoid ramblings. For thise who like a little bit of honesty, here is the actual story on pepsi: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/pepsi.asp Reality instead of delusion - enjoy
Snopes? And that proves what I said wrong? It doesn't. Get a real source. Stop looking at the first article that fits what you want to say after a google search. Enjoy Google debaters. Gotta love em
Suck those fetuses down monkey boy. We will send u over to Israel. That's right. I'm now a supporters of the Palestinian people. Baby eating Zionist.
Wow one born every day - I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale - it's a great deal - interested? Faith in and of itself is fine - blind faith that borders on denial and fiction - bad - go read some actual books about the world in which we live - not a book of stories written and rewritten (mostly by the Catholic Church) A woman has a right to choose - you have the right to believe as you wish - you do not have the right to tell others what they can and can't do with their bodies or whom they wish to love. You want to talk about the leaders and such who were the heads of your church - read about the Borgia. As corrupt as they come - yet they were supposedly the "closest" to your God.