:lol: 70 words per minute is pretty slow, the average adult reads at 300 - 400 words per minute, a 10 year old reads 200 - 250 words per minute.
You should realize that nobody is paying attention to your comments because they are idiotic. What are you trying to prove?
Lmao so... you mean you're going to be waiting tables for the rest of your life? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well no answers r idiotic as well then. I say hypocrites deny other faiths have their Gods.explains why ignoring a simple question says its my God(s) only n the other faiths r liars.
This thread did not invite a religious debate, just a fun debate whether the resurrection would technically make Jesus a zombie (question 3 where, as per the OP, we the forumers were supposed to focus our discussion). However, we all see where that went. Some people just have to make things a religious issue. However, in their defense, perhaps the OP should not have named this a theological debate.
Didn't you ever hear the phrase quality over quantity? That's what my mom told the counselor when she said that my reading speed is on the level of a monkey reading a Dr. Suess book. Then the man in the white best came in and took me to the special room. Then I stole someone's phone and downloaded KaW.
Can't we express our religious beliefs without people saying we're bad believers in our faiths, even though the majority of the followers of our faith believe in similar beliefs?
Its an inherent right to choose what ones beliefs r. No one can be right or wrong without unequivocal facts to prove it either way.
Fact. My God is better than your God. (Kidding) - I think it's an age thing and part of the process of finding yourself. When you are in self discovery mode it's a fragile state and people cling to their new found beliefs (aka conviction) lest they lose that new found belief!
Yes frank, you're a genius for believing in two ideas that contradict each other. If everyone believed in things like this, maybe the world would be a better place :roll:
Why do they contradict each other? The Bible never says evolution is impossible and doesn't exist, and the theory of evolution doesn't say that God doesn't exist and is impossible.
That's the beauty of a working scientific theory. It doesn't require belief to be true. It works whether anyone believes it or not.
That's because you don't know what a scientific law is. A scientific law is a description of an observed phenomenon supported by evidence and widely accepted. A scientific theory is an explanation of an observed phenomenon supported by evidence and widely accepted. A law tells you if you jump off a building you'll fall, every time. A theory tells you why.
I think that I'm causing more harm than good here, so I'm leaving. Let's call it a draw. I didn't want to start an argument, so I'm just going to leave. Good points all, but I'm sticking to my guns on this one. Go and be well to all.